3 Types Of Love Flashcards
What is Eros?
Passionate love
What is philia?
Brother love, between family/friends etc., duty, loyalty
What is agape?
Translates to charity, doing good because it’s right and not because it feels good, benefits others and not you.
What storgae?
Affection towards people/things
How is philia shown in the Ten Commandments?
“Honour your father and mother”
How is philia shown in Romans 12?
“Be devoted to each other in brotherly love.. honour each other” Paul encouraged early Christians to look after each other as they’re a group with a common belief which was useful for preserving Christianity during persecution.
How is philia and family loyalty shown in the Old Testament?
In the 12 tribes of Israel
How is agape found in John 3:16? “God is love”
It comes from Latin “God is charity” stemming from the word agape
What was Jesus’ greatest commandment in Mark 12:31?
“Love your neighbour as yourself” linking to Situation Ethics and agape.
What does Mark 10:44 say about agape?
“anyone who wants to be first shall be a slave of all” which is important as it emulates Jesus who said ‘I have not come to be served but to serve” and helps you get to heaven
Where is the importance of sacrificial love shown in John 15:13?
“Greater love had no one than this: to lay down their life for their friend”
How is agape shown in Matthew 5:44?
“Love your enemies”
How has God showed his agape love to all of mankind?
Despite that we sin/reject him he still loved us enough to Jesus, and Jesus sacrificed himself for all of mankind to be reunited with God and go to heaven.
How does John’s gospel demonstrate Jesus showing storgae?
It repeatedly refers to “the disciple whom Jesus loved”
Where does Jesus show storgae in John 11?
He cries at the death of his friend Lazarus and his friends Mary and Martha are also sad.
Where does 1&2 Samuel show storgae?
It shows Jonathan and David’s love/affection for each other
Where is Eros shown in OT?
In Song of Songs, but it doesn’t actually comment on it.
How does Paul comment on Eros in 1 Corinthians 7?
He says it is better to stay single and celibate as it takes away focus from God. “It is good to abstain from sexual relations” but if you can’t abstain it’s good to have Eros within a marriage. Augustine agrees and says sex is a massive distraction and urge that will never be fulfilled and it a sin apart from reproduction but sin to enjoy it.