3⃣Theories Of The Family 4) Feminist Flashcards
Describe the liberal feminist view on family
⚫️gender equality ➡️gradually being overcome ➡️through legal reforms ➡️policy changes -equal pay ➡️challenging stereotypes ➡️changing people attitudes and socialisation
⚫️This is a march of progress view
➡️new man is becoming more wide spread
What are the 4 different types of feminists
⚫️liberal feminists
⚫️marxists feminists
⚫️radical feminists
⚫️difference feminism
Describe marxist feminist view on familt
⚫️capitalism main cause
➡️of women’s oppression in family
➡️this performs several functions for capitalism
⚫️reproducing the labour force
➡️women socialise the next generations of workers
➡️service the current one, for free
⚫️absorbing mens anger
➡️thats directed at capitalism
➡️wives soak up husbands frustration
➡️that comes from exploitation at work
⚫️a reserve army of cheap labour
➡️when not needed
➡️women workers return to their domestic role
Give a negative evaluation for marxist feminism
⚫️women oppression not start with capitalism
➡️so no reason to believe it will end with it
⚫️radical feminist argue
➡️women are not only oppressed by capitalism
➡️but also with patriarchy
Describe radical feminist view on family
⚫️patriarchy is main cause of women’s oppression
➡️family and marriage
➡️are key patriarchal institution
➡️men benefit from women’s
➡️unpaid domestic labour and sexual services
➡️men dominate women
➡️through violence or the threat of it
⚫️for patriarchal system to overturned
➡️family must be abolished
⚫️some radical feminist believe in
➡️political lesbianism
➡️complete separatism from men
Give a negative evaluation for radical feminists
⚫️they ignore the importance of class and ethnic inequality
➡️white middle class women ➡️have more power than ➡️black working class men
Describe difference feminism view on family
⚫️not all women share the same experiance of oppression
➡️women of different ethnicities, class background etc
➡️may have differences experiences of the family
➡️if society was a source of oppression
➡️white feminist neglect black women experience in racism
➡️many black feminist
➡️view black family positively
➡️source of support in a racist society