3 sleep deprivation Flashcards
What is sleep deprivation?
Total sleep deprivation TSD
- Short term <45 hours
- long term >45 hours
partial sleep deprivation
- acute
- chronic
sleep fragmentation- going to sleep at the usual time but sleep is disrupted throughout the night; might pend more time in the lighter stages of sleep.
What are the consequences of sleep deprivation
Cognitive function weight management reproductivve system emotional wellbeing immune system
what do sleep deprivation studies tell us ?
SD affects many different aspects:
- emotion
- immune
- health
Sleep deprivation and cognitive function
Van Dongen et al (2003)
Psychomotor vigilance test- TSD worst, to 4, 6, 8 hours
digit symbol substitution task- TSD worst, to 4, 6, 8 hours
Serial addition subtraction task- TSD worse.
standford sleepiness scale - TSD recognised but little difference between 4,6 and 8 even though performance different
Sleep deprivation and sleep architecture
Van Dongen et al (2003)
Stage 1: very little differences in the amount of time.
stage 2: restricted sleep to 4 hours spend less time in stage 2- sacrificing stage 2.
stage 3 and 4: little differences. Show iimportant
REM- restricted 4-6 hours spend less time in REM.
sleep deprivation and sleep homeostasis
Moore (2007).
when youre sleep deprived sleep pressure continues to build keeps increasing. This is closely linked to slow wave sleep and is the reason a SD person will fall into SWS faster
Sleep deprivation and emotional wellbeing
Yeo et al (2007)
no SD. 35 hr SD.
viewed emotional stimulus whilst brains scanned using fMRI
- both group increased activation to negative stimuli
- SD showed 60% greater amygdala activity.
Disconnect between mpfc and amygdala in sleep deprived pps.
sleep deprivation and weight management
Van Cauter et al (2005)
Ghrelin: increased = increases our drive to eat.
Leptin: reduced= dont feel as full.
= linked to obesity.
Sleep deprivation and the immune system
The same impact on the body as stress.
Reduction in natural killer cells.
Sleep deprivation and neurodegeneration
SD leads to an increase in beta amyloid (A toxin associated with AD).
SWS is associated with removing toxins such as BA.
Tipsy vs tired. Sleep deprivation vs alcohol consumption
Dawson and Ried (1997)
pps kept awake for 28 hours. Asked to consume 10-15 g of alcohol at 30 min intervals. 0.10% bA.
The longer kept awake the worse performance, similar to alcohol consumption