3- Main title/ Rebel Blockade runner from Star Wars - John Williams Flashcards
Context Star Wars
John Williams
written 1977
Melody Star Wars
Rebel blockade runner - short piccolo melody
A THEME - stepwise movement, some leaps
B THEME- scalic, full descending scale,
Rapid repeating notes - tonic Bb triplets
long minims
Rising perfect 5th - heroic
Auxilary notes
balanced stepwise motion and leaps
7th intervals
4th intervals
5th intervals
-fanfare - start (grand and heroic)
- Leitmotif played by trumpet and other brass –> uses intervals of a 4th, 5th and 7th
B theme scalic played by violin and other strings
Full descending scale e.g. end of B theme (Descending Bb minor melodic scale e.g. end of B theme
A theme returns but with small changes
A theme stepwise movement and leaps
“rebel blockade runner” section - short piccolo melody during the “star filled sky” section
Rapid repeating notes using tonic Bb triplets
- Imitation
7th intervals (in fanfare)
Main theme –> 4 bar idea with balances stepwise motion and leaps
Repeated use of triplets and long minims to create excitement and tension
B theme contrast to A theme - feels less forceful - uses scalic patterns, with some leaps and triplets to remind of A
Anacrusis –> used in both themes
Rising perfect 5th which create a heroic feel e.g. bar 1
Leap of minor 7th e.g. bar 2
Auxiliary note (notes in main chord) - bar 4 to reach note of C, preparing for repeat of 4 bar phrase
Trumpets play leaps of sevenths from F to Eb
Lower Auxiliary note
moves between a melody note to the note below and back again
Articulation Star Wars
Lots of accents - makes it leap out at the listener e.g. bar 2
Mostly loud to grab attention
Rapid dynamic changes
Texture Star Wars
Pedal texture - variation
Inverted tonic pedal
Dominant pedal bar 12-15
Ostinato texture 51- 60
Few solos/ light texture
Main theme= block chords or arpeggios
Structure Star Wars
AABA structure
Music follows action on screen
4 bar phrases in main theme
Harmony Star Wars
Tritone bar 44
Perfect cadences (not many)
Quartal harmonies
Chords syncopated
descending baseline
Imperfect cadences
Tonal harmonies
Main theme mostly diatonic
- Melody and accompanied by mostly major and minor chords
Tritone bar 44 (augmented 4th/ diminished 5th)
- Not many perfect cadences
- Harmony is complicated - dissonant and atonal
- Quartal harmony - (chords made of notes that are 4 steps apart) bar 4-7
- Main theme of the chords are syncopated
- Descending bassline
- Dissonance used in exciting parts of scenes - creates tension and excitement
- Imperfect cadence
- Intro and A theme uses inverted tonic pedal
- Dominant pedal played in brass e.g. theme B
Unrelated chords used to create, strange unstable effect
Instruments Star Wars
- Main title/ rebel blockade runner uses a full symphony orchestra –> strings, percussion, woodwind and brass
Wind –> flute, piccolo, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon
Brass –> Horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba
Percussion–> Timpani, triangle, tam tam (gong), vibraphone, glockenspiel, cymbal.
Piano, celeste, harp
Orchestra in a traditional romantic-era orchestra, doubling of parts an octave or more apart
Rhythm, Tempo, Metre
Fast tempo- exciting
4/4/ metre - march style
Fanfare - rapid repeated notes and triplets - expectation
Rhythmic feel of main theme - quadruple/ duple pulse
syncopated block chord, mixing offbeat quavering triple quavers with frequent rests
Bar 33- pulse becomes less clear
Metre changes to triple time at bar 44
homorhythmic chords bar 44-5 - creates drama
end - very fast tempo
mixture of quavers, triple quavers and crotchets and rests bar 44 - tempo also slows here
Fast triplets and demi-semiquavers e
Tonality Star Wars
Bb major - first 29 bars
bar 30 - less clear - more unstable harmonies
Bar 39 modulates to C major
bar 42 onwards - music based around note C with bass pedal
more complex chords and much dissonance
atonal passages and bitonality
Fermata Definition
A pause marking where the note is held
A short pattern that represents a character, place or emotion
Atonal Defintion
No use of key
Two different keys are used at the same time as each other
Quartal Harmony
A chord that is build on intervals of a 4th rather than the usual 3rd.
Tritone Defintion
The interval of an augmented 4th/ diminished 5th.
Homorhythm Definition
Rhythmic unison - where every person plays the same rhythm
Mezzo Forte
moderately loud