3) Health behaviour and adherence Flashcards
What is compliance? Why is this term not frequently used anymore?
advice. This term isn’t used frequently as it suggests the doctor is in an all powerful position and the patient’s thoughts and ideas are ignored.
What is adherence? Why is this a better term than compliance?
medicaladvice. This term is preferred as it is more patient-centred i.e.needforagreement,patient’srighttochoose
What are some of the issues with trying to measure adherence?
- Hard to know what‘counts’asadherent (does everything have to be taken exactly? Too much? Not enough?)
- Treatment not normally a one-off, normally taken over a long period of time
- Lack of consistency in measures
Why is non-adherence an issue for medicine/the NHS?
- Impact on patient’s health
- Financial implications - increase likely to be larger if you tackle adherence, rather than better medicines
How might you measure adherence directly?
- Blood test
- Urinanalysis
- Directly observed therapy (DOT)
How might you measure adherence indirectly?
- Pill counts
- Mechanical/electronic measures of dose
- Patient self-reports
- Secondary reports (clinicians, carers)
Suggest reasons why patients don’t adhere to medical treatments?
- Asymptomatic so don’t see need (BP meds)
- Medication issues such as time consuming, difficult
- Side-effects
- Patient understanding (do they know why they need to take it? Do they know how much they are meant to be taking?)
- Against their beliefs (lay beliefs)
- Disease severity/their susceptibility to disease
- Lay beliefs about medication
- Social isolation
- Relationship with professional
What is intentional non-adherence?
The patient purposely doesn’t take the medication as they should as it conflicts with their beliefs, attitudes and expectations.
What is unintentional non-adherence?
Capacity/resource limitation results in the inability to adhere - may be down to disability or reduced cognitive ability
What is concordance?
The description of a doctor-patient relationship that works together in order to reach agreement and a satisfactory outcome for the both of them.