3-Breeder Sow Management Flashcards
It can be used as a way to improve the genetic standard of the pig population.
Judging and Selection
In selecting gilts for breeding, ____ is recommended.
That is selection is done at ____ months and the next selection, when the selected 2-3 months weaners reached 6 months old.
double selection
2-3 months
what are the 4 types of selection
◼Tandem method
◼Independent culling
◼Selection index
◼Eyeball selection
Those selected at weaning time should be grouped together in one or more pens until they are about ____ kilograms.
Subject the animals to more or less similar environmental conditions until they reach around ____ kilograms when final selection is done.
Weigh the animals and compute for the ____ and ____
20-30 kilograms
90 kilograms
average daily gain & feed conversion efficiency
Guidelines for Judging (9)
Front part
Middle part
Rear parts
Leg stance
Quarantine practice should last for not less than __ days.
30 days
About 10-14 days before gilts are served, increase their feed allowance to ____ kgs/day.
3.0-3.5 kgs/day.
Store vaccines (“live” or “killed”) in the refrigerator for __ *C
2-8 *C
Fiberglass syringes and needles should be boiled for at least __ minutes.
15 minutes.
Always have available ____ preparation ready for use within 2 3 minutes in case of anaphylactic shock.
The time interval from weaning to service is also known as the “____” or the period wherein the sow is “unproductive”.
dry period
If sows do not come into heat within 10 days, ____ could be given to induce heat.
hormonal injection
*Which phase of estrus period
a part of the estrus period when the animal is accepting the boar but negative to the care taker’s test.
Boar phase I
*Which phase of estrus period
period when the animal will show positive reaction to the boar and caretaker.
Insemination phase
*Which phase of estrus period
the same with boar phase I except that it is after the insemination phase.
Boar phase II
what is the best time to inseminate gilts
12 hours after the onset of heat period
what is the best time to inseminate sows
12-24 hours after the onset of heat period.
Other pregnancy diagnosis methods exist but they are either impractical (____) or expensive (____).
◼Pregnancy is can be detected with 90-95% accuracy using ____.
blood test
Ultrasonic or Doppler method
ultrasonic detectors
Based on US National Research Council recommendation, pregnant gilts or sows should be fed with a brood sow containing __% crude protein (CP), ____ kilocalories of digestible energy (DE); ____% of available phosphorus.
The ration must be fortified adequately with good vitamin and mineral supplements.
3300 kilocalories
Suckling period could be from ____ days, depending on the weaning practice of the farm.
28 days to 42 days
Culling rate of less productive sows average about __% at any given breeding season.
Should be ____ in shape that is well proportioned and with proper height
clear wedge
The preferred number of live teats should be more than ___
It should be well developed, prominent and evenly spaced.
Avoid animals with ____
rudimentary and blind teats
Leg stance
Avoid gilts with ____ knee on the front view, a square stance is preferred.
Avoid animals with ____ knee or bow legged
The hind legs, when the animal is viewed from the side it should not be backward or ____ on the rear view, avoid animals with narrow, wide or cow-hocked stance
bucked and forward
There should be no ____ of the rear part during walking
Select animals with ____ joints, without lesions and/or swellings
dry joints
Avoid ____ angled pastern
The claws should be evenly developed
steep or low
Rear parts
The depth (from the rump to hock joint) and length (from the knee to the back of the ham) from the side and rear view should be ____ set.
Middle part
Should be long and strong.
It should be flat, wide back, well arched sideward as well as backwards.
Avoid gilts with ____ and narrow back with flat deep sides.
Slightly arched back is preferred and there should be smooth transition and that the back and loin are in line with the rump and rear parts.
Front part
Should be ____ on top view.
The transition of the head and shoulder in line should be smooth.
Gilts with ____ shoulders clearly move during walking.