3. Blood (2) Flashcards
prevention of blood loss/stopping blood
If a vessel is severed, haemostasis is achieved by:
- Rupture of vessel —-> wall of vessel contracts, sticks
together - Contraction results from: (3)
- nervous reflexes initiated by pain
- local smooth muscle spasm (main factor)
- local humoral factors from traumatized tissues and blood platelets (Thromboxane A2)
- Smaller vessels: platelets mainly responsible for
vasoconstriction by releasing _______ _____ and
forming a “plug” - Spasm lasts several hours —-> time to form platelet plug and _____ clot.
What do they contain? (6)
What forms part of the platelet membrane? (3)
Dead platelets are removed by macrophages, particularly in the ______.
What is the process of the Formation of the platelet plug?
Platelets are also activated by: (4)
- thromboxane A2
- serotonin
- thrombin
What are the features of activated platelets? (6)
What is on the surface of activated platelets? (2)
What are the platelet-limiting factors and anti-platelet
What are the multiple injuries of micro-vessels?
What is blood coagulation?
Blood coagulation = Secondary Haemostasis
- Coagulation = transformation of blood from a liquid to a semi-solid, gel state = clot
What is blood coagulation initiated by? (3)
- extravascular cells
- platelets
- damaged vessel walls
What is the ultimate effect of blood coagulation?
conversion of fibrinogen (soluble plasma
protein) to fibrin (insoluble fibres) = clot
Fibrin clot adheres to the damaged vessel
surface and platelet plug, traps blood cells,
fills the breach and blocks the vessel (~20
What are the clotting factors?
All clotting factors, except tissue factor, are produced by the _____ and are present in the blood as inactive precursors (______)
When activated, factors IIa (thrombin), VIIa, IXa, Xa, XIa and XIIa are:
proteolytic enzymes that activate other clotting
factors, by cutting the proteins
Four factors, II, VII, IX and X, can only be produced if
______ ____ is available in the liver.
Vitamin K
- Factor XIIIa is also an enzyme, but it _____-_____ fibrin.
What is fibrinogen?
Fibrinogen (FI) is not an enzyme or a co-factor. When the
fibrinogen protein is cut by thrombin (FIIa) it becomes
insoluble and forms fibres, called fibrin, which is the clot.
Five clotting factors VIIa, IXa, Xa, XIa and XIIIa
require _____ as a cofactor. (Blocking ____ prevents
coagulation in blood collection tubes.)