3: Background Flashcards
Extension of classical status-attainment
o Influence of personal resources
o Such as the positions of the family of origin (status position father and/or mother)
o As well as own education
o On the status position attained
- Homophily principle
Frequent interactions between people with similar characteristics = strong tie
- Prestige principle
people tend to seek interactions with other who occupy higher status positions
Ceiling effect
More difficult to climb at higher parts of the pyramid
Traditional status attainment model:
- Own education important for first job
- Strength of ties is less important
Lin (1999) Social resources theory
o New is: access to social resources = accessed by social capital
o Use of social resources: mobilized social capital
- Both components depend on the structural as well as individual characteristics
Name generator
with whom does ego maintain relationships, on what topics and how intimate are those relationships?
Position generator
= with what types of occupations does ego maintain relationships and what is the nature of those relationships?
Social capital (lin)
the resources of those relations, plus other characteristics
Core propositions Lin
- Social resources proposition = the higher the status of the contact person one has access to, the higher the occupational status attained
o In other words: the effectiveness of instrumental actions for one’s own occupational status (attainment) is associated with the social resources one can access - Strength of position proposition = the higher a person’s starting positions (parental resources), the greater that persons access to social resources will be = homogeneity
- Strength of ties proposition = via weak ties, better social resources can be accessed than via strong ties