3. (+) and (-) consequences Flashcards
advantages to the group
-> organisational effectiveness
.43 overall
.40 efficiency
.37 productivity
-.52 costs
(+) unit-level performance
TIME-LAGGED studies .56
stronger than cross-sectional .37
(+) customer satisfaction
-> findings may be restricted to service contexts in which employees have direct contact with the customer
(+) organisational-level turnover
foster group attractiveness and cohesion
-> decrease voluntary turnover
facilitates (+) work envr.
attract and retain employees
personal costs
-> escalating citizenship
way to stand out -> fear of losing job
OCB becomes normative
competition + friction
diminished value -> cost may outweigh the benefit
personal costs
-> job creep
pressure to do more
part of expected duties
personal freedom = threatened
CCBs -> compulsory citizenship behaviour
-> job stress, negligent behaviour intentions to quit
personal costs
-> citizenship pressure
EMPIRICAL FINDINGS -> individual initiative
specific job demands that make you feel pressured to OCB
high work-family conflict (stronger for women), work-leisure conflict, intent to quit
professional costs
-> resource allocation framework
time + energy = finite
less in-job task -> dimished -> damages career
smaller increase in salaries + fewer promotion
dark motives ‘
-> citizenship and impression management
enhance own image and not organisation
- high b4 promotions - low after
- high self-monitors + careerist orientation -> selective OCB
- improve image in ambigious time
- OCB to repair reputation
- CWB as anger for no recognition
- “ok” after costly OCB
(-) organisation
-> damage to group performance
low task interdependence -> reduced performance
- help may be seen as (-)
- OCB-CH may be harmful if too much