3&4 - Metabolic Acidosis Flashcards
effects of acidemia
dec Hgb affinity for O2 impairs bone structure/formation dec contractility of heart dec excitability of brain > metabolic encephalopathy dec peripheral vascular resistance inc K levels
effects of alkalemia
Hgb binds O2 strongly dec resp center > hypoventilation inc irritability > arrhythmias and seizures dec ionized Ca > weakness dec K levels
AG =
Na - (Cl + bicarb)
nl AG
2 main causes of normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
renal and GI bicarb wasting
stepwise approach for acid base problems (6)
look at pH > acidemic or alkalemic primary disorder metabolic or resp? calc AG and dAG calc dBicarb adequate compensation? simple or mixed?
dBicarb - how to calc and what does it tell you
24 (nl) - patient’s bicarb
if dAG = dBicarb, pt as simple AG metabolic acidosis. If not, something else is going on to make you lose/gain more bicarb
winters formula
expected pCO2 = (bicarb * 1.5) + 8 +/- 2
“golden rule” of acid base
under no circumstances can secondary response bring pH back to normal > normal pH means pt is normal or has opposing disorders
lactic acidosis - what causes it
type A - poor tissue perfusion (shock, cardiac failure, mito enzyme defect
type B - perfusion ok, but malignancy, liver or renal failure, seizures, drugs etc cause it
lactic acidosis - tx
tx underlying condition - esp restore perfusion
bicarb therapy if pH < 7.1 to get them up to 7.2
(lactate is “potential” bicarb > will normalize eventually, dont want to overshoot)
due to insulin deficiency and stressors - like infection, MI, etc
bicarb only used if severe b/c ketones are “potential” bicarb
alcoholic ketoacidosis
predominantly beta hydroxy butyrate - not picked up by dipsticks
hypoglycemia, low insulin after drinking
tx - volume replacement w/ saline and glucose
ethylene glycol acidosis mech
in anti freeze
metab to variety of acids
early ingestion - just causes osmolar gap, after metabolized causes anion gap acidosis
ethylene glycol tox tx
fluids, thiamine
fomepizole or ethanol to compete w/ alcohol dehydrogenase
causes of metab alkalosis
exogenous bicarb
loss of acid (vomiting, NG suction)
dec ECF volume / normal BP (secondary hyperaldosterone)
ECF expansion / HTN
maintenance phase of alkalosis
persistent hyperaldosterone state / continued acid loss or alkali therapy
causes chloride depletion from H loss in type A cells and bicarb retention in type B cells
tx of metab alkalosis
if volume contracted - “chloride sensitive” > replenish volume w/ normal saline
if volume overloaded / ECF expanded > tx primary disorder that caused high RAAS state, replace K