3/21 UWORLD test # 58 Flashcards
Q 1. left eye pain that is attenuated by ocular movement, episodes of numb and tingling of hands. most likely diagnosis?
Of answer choices, if neurologic symptoms shows some random pattern, and regress/relapsing pattern, think MS in a differential
Q 2. two mediums for growth of diptheria
- cystine-tellurite agar
- Loeffler
Q 5. increased EPO in response to hypoxia is mediated by what cells? what organ?
peritubular cells in kidney
Q 4. sensorineuronal hearing loss and conductive hearing loss: compare findings of rinne test (mastoid) and weber test (vibrating in middle)
Rinne test
- sensorineural hearing loss: normal, not detectable (AC>BC)
- conductive hearing loss: abnormal to affected side (BC>AC)
- sensorineuronal hearing loss: lateralize to unaffected side
- conductive hearing loss: lateralize to affected size
- Both Rinne and weber need to be done to know whether it is sensorineural or conducvite. Weber alone does not tell whether it is sensorineural or conductive
Q 6. which LSD accumulates alpha-galactosidase A?
- Fabry first on FA table, thus alpha (1st)
Q 6. phenotypes of Fabry
- early
- late (2)
- early: acroparesthesias- pain in palm and sole
- late
1. renal failure
2. cardiovascular disease
Q 7. What is pulmonary response to DKA? what can happen in severe DKA?
- hyperventilation
- for severe DKA, respiratory failure can happen
Q 8. which antibiotic can cause serotonin syndrome?
- sketchy: smile balloons in museum
Q 8. What are side effects of vancomycin?
- nephrotoxicity
- ototoxicity
- thrombophlebitis: vein thrombosis
- redman syndrome: diffuse flushing
Q 8. How redman syndrome with vancomycin can be revesred? (2 ways)
- slow infusion
- infusion with anti-histamine
Q 9. Which nerve pass through obturator canal? what part of leg does it innervate?
obturator nerve
medial thigh
Q 11. What is the only cranial nerve that is compressed by herniation syndrome? what herniation can compress this neuron? what brain structure does this herniation involve?
uncal herniation
uncal herniation involves tentorium cerebelli
uncus compress through tentorium cerebelli
- uncal herniation is also called as transtentorial herniation
Q 11. uncal herniation also can compress which vessel?
-> homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing
Q 12. increased central venous pressure due to pulmonary conjestion, yet no signs of peripheral edema. by what compensatory mechanism?
increased lymphatic drainage
more fluid -> more hydrostatic pressure -> more fluid forced into lymphatic drainage.
- when fluid leaking is so severe and thus lymphatic drainage can not keep up with it, then peripheral edema will occur
Q 13. What is molecular target of cycrosporin or tacrolimus? what does this molecule normally do?
calcineurin dephosphorylates NFAT. Dephosphorylated NFAT then migrates into nucleus, binds to IL-2 promoter region and induces transcription
- remember this was Beck’s project at OHSU?