2nd LE Flashcards
The period when the influence of christian faith was at its peak was
What caused the fall of the Roman Epire in 476 AD?
Barbarian invasion by the Goths
The crude anesthetic potion used in medieval taimes used to relieve pain and induce sleep is
When was the recovery from the dark ages?
Characterize the Mid-medieval period
Acculturation of barbarian
Knighthood and chivalry
First italian woman doctor who advocated for women’s health
Who first ued needles of intravenous infusion
The medieval method of injecting fluids into the rectum via metallic tubes?
What is the complication of bloodletting
Describe the renaissance period
Travel and exploration
Rise of the middle clas
Scourge of the renaissance
Father of modern human anatomy who authored the first complete textbook of anatomy
Adreas Vesalius
Who first designed artificial limbs for wounded roman soldiers
Abrose Pare
Basis of aristotelian concept of philosophy
Known as the medical pope of the middle ages
French philosopher who believe that natural objects were machines ruled by mechanistic princople
Francis Bacon
concept of fever was caused by irritating agent, parasitic
Jan Baptista Helmont
The concept where by differences in physical objects were due to its shape arrangement and motion of electrically charged particles is:
Whose experiment conceptualized that healthy human body is in the state of acid base equilibrium
Francisco Sylvius
. Who experimented on the falling objects giving rise to the laws of motion?
Galileo Galilei
Experimented the combustion of a lighted candle covered by a closed container
Robert Boyle
Invented calculus
Sir Isaac Newton
Devised the weighing scale
Santorio Santorio
Who was the Dutch naturalist responsible for identifying blood corpuscles, skeletal muscles, bacteria and protozoa?
Lung tissues and windpipe
What was the alkaline substance from Peru obtained from the bark of the Cinchona tree used as an antipyretic?
Who was the Father of German Surgery who emphasized surgical dissection of gangrenous tissue should include healthy tissue margins?
What century started the statistical evaluation of therapies with the use of placebo
18th century
Histology and autopsy
Discovered plasmodium malariae
Ronald ross
Disproved the spontaneous generation of bacteria
Louis pasteur
Said that diseased individual should be isolated and grown in pure culture
Robert Koch
Founder of cellular pathology and smallest unit of the body is the cell
Rudolf virchow
Who was the French Chemist and Physiologist who investigated on the function of the pancreas, the liver, and the bosom vasomotor nerves?
Claud Bernard
Use of stethoscope
Who was the British surgeon who introduced Carbonic Acid and Calcium Chloride as an antiseptic?
Joseph Lister
German known for abdominal operations
Theodore Bilroth
IgnazSemmelweis was famous namely for
Post partum fever cased by cadaveric matter
Chlorinated water for washing
Electromagnetic radiation
Wiliam Roentgen