2c: Chapter 16 and 17 Flashcards
Bias intimidation
He commits or attempts to commit or conspires with another to commit the commission of an offense specified in chapters 11-18
With purpose to intimidate an individual or group of individuals because of Race, color, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender indenture, or expression, national origin or ethnicity.
Gender exemption when the offense is of chapter 14
4• if the offense is a DP or PDP
Otherwise it is one degree higher than the most serious crime but if it’s a 1• than bias is 1•
Agg arson
2• but if it’s church than 1•
A person starts a fire or causes an explosion whether on his property or another’s: thereby
Purposely and knowingly placing another person in danger of death or bodily injury.
Purpose of destroying a building or structure of another
Purpose of collecting insurance which recklessly places another in danger of death or bodily injury.
Purpose of destroying or damaging a structure in order to exempt but recklessly place other person in danger.
Purpose of destroying or damaging a forest
Purposely starts a fire or causes an explosion whether on his own property or another’s :
Recklessly placing another person in danger of death or bodily injury
Recklessly placing a structure or building of another in danger of damage
Purpose of collecting insurance but no injury
Recklessly placing a forest in danger
Purpose of destroying or damaging a structure in order to expect the structure
Failure to control or report dangerous fire
A person who knows that a fire is endangering life or substantial amount of property of another and either fails to take reasonable measures to put out or control the fire when he can do so without substantial risk to himself or to give prompt fire alarm commits a crime if:
He has an official duty…
or he started the fire
Arson for hire
Any person who directly or indirectly pays another or accepts or offers to pay for he purpose of starting a fire or causing an explosion in violation of arson is guilty of what degree?
Causing or risking widespread injury or damage
2• purposely and knowingly
3• recklessly
Purposely and knowingly unlawfully causes an explosion, flood, avalanche, collapse of a building, release or abandonment of poison gas, radioactive material or any other harmful or destructive substances commits a crime.
Serious bodily injury to 5 or more people or
5 or more habitations or to a building containing 25 or more people
Criminal mischief
3• $2000 or more
4• more than $500 but less than $2000
DP loss is $500 or less
3• cause physical disruption of the functioning of a research facility
3• tampers with grave or public service. 2• if it recklessly causes death
Purposely knowingly or recklessly tamper with tangible property of another so as to endanger persons or property including the damage if or destroying of a rental premises by a tenant in retaliation for eviction proceedings.
Traffic sign, signal damage, removal, violation
Person who purposely, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently defaces, injures or removes an official traffic sign or signal described in title 39.
Nuclear plants
Tampering damage involving a nuclear electric generating plant is a crime.