2B. Motor System - Upper Motor Division Flashcards
Neurons that make muscles contract are defined as:
Lower Motor Neurons (LMN)
Neurons that regulate LMNs are defined as:
Upper Motor Neuron (UMN)
The pyramidal motor system can also be called a cortical motor system because the motor neuron cell bodies are located in the______________
cerebral cortex
- Regulates the LMN activity that results in Highly skilled motor activity usually with a direct synapse on the LMN
- includes discretely organized, interconnected white matter structures formed by axons that pass through the pyramids
Cortical Motor System (Pyramidal Motor System)
- regulates the LMN activity that is responsible for muscle tone, coarse or stereotyped movements, and SUBCONSCIOUS motor activity
- includes motor centers scattered in each division of the brain with axons that are NOT associated with the formation of pyramids
Non-Cortical Motor System = Extrapyramidal Motor System
Anatomy of Pyramidal Motor System
- Cell bodies located in the pre- and post cruciate gyri depending on the species
- Descending axons from the cell bodies contribute to the formation of discretely organized and identifiable bundles of White Matter
Motor Cortex (cell bodies)
Tracts of the Pyramidal System
- From the pyramidal motor cortex (cortico-) to LMN nuclei (-nuclear) in the BRAINSTEM of cranial nerves III-VII and IX-XII
Corticonuclear System
Tracts of the Pyramidal System
- from the pyramidal motor cortex to LMN in the spinal cord
- LATERAL corticospinal tract: 75% of the pyramidal fibers will CROSS over to the opposite side and descend CONTRALATERAL to find the appropriate motor neuron at the appropriate level of the SPINAL CORD
- VENTRAL corticospinal tract: 25% are going to descend IPSILATERALLY (same side) through the rest of the brainstem and then cross at the appropriate level of the spinal cord to regulate lower motor neurons in the ventral GRAY MATTER COLUMN
Corticospinal System
Tracts of the Pyramidal System
Where is the cord location for Corticospinal Fibers?
Lateral and Ventral FUNiculus
What is the role of the Cerebellum?
Is to produce smoothly coordinated movement
(cerebellar input from Pyramidal motor system)
A neuron that has its cell body and axon both located in the brain and spinal cord:
is an Upper Motor Neuron
Which of the following is an example of a component that is part of the non-cortical motor system?
A tract of nerve fibers or a path for nerve impulses that pass from the Cerebral Cortex through the Internal Capsule to the Pons to the White Matter and Cortex of the Cerebellum
Corticopontocerebellar tract
What system do these functions describe?
- gravity, muscle, posture
- Subconscious movement (stereotyped)
- NOT in the Pyramids
- LMN regulation
- All over-the-place components
- Major UMN system for animals
Extrapyramidal System
Anatomy of the Extrapyramidal Motor System
- an area of the TELENCEPHALON (Cerebrum) under the surface of the cortex (subcortical) formed by alternating bundles of white matter and extrapyramidal motor nuclei
Corpus Striatum