2B Flashcards
a bout of
a short period of illness or involvement in an activity
to be on sb good/ bad books
If you are in someone’s …, they are pleased/not pleased with you
a place where young children are cared for during the day while their parents do something else, especially work, study, or shop
a situation in which people are not at school or work when they should be
a situation in which someone starts to deal with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way
constructive dismissal
actions taken by an employer that intentionally make working conditions for an employee difficult or unfair so that the employee feels forced to leave their job
unfair dismissal
a situation in which an employer orders someone to leave their job, when there is not a good reason to do so
statutory mininum wage
decided or controlled by law mininum wage
swingeing cuts
extreme and having a serious and unpleasant effect cuts
voluntary redundancy
a situation in which someone agrees to leave their job because their employer wants to reduce the number of employees
be all bunged up
find it difficult to breathe because you have a cold (have a plugged nose)
have a splitting/ blinding headache
a very severe pain that you feel in your head
feel under the weather
feel little ill
feel run down
feel tired and not healthy, especially because of working too much
have an upset stomach
another name for stomach ache
be on your last legs
be very tired or near to death
be running a high temprature
have high temprature
feel a little worse for wear
feel a little tired or in poor condition because of a lot of work or use
my leg’s killing me
to have a big pain in a leg
have hay fever
have an allergy (with only symptoms from nose)
have a dislocated shoulder
miec zwichniete ramie
to lose your voice
cannot speak
get blisters (on your feet)
have a painful swelling on the skin that contains liquid, caused usually by continuous rubbing, especially on your foot, or by burning on your feet
come out in an itchy rash
an unpleasant rash appears on your skin
get sun burn/ stroke
a condition in which your skin is sore and red because you have spent too long in the strong heat of the sun
get over (an illness)
to return to your usual state of health or happiness after having a bad or unusual experience, or an illness
fall (seriously) ill
become (seriously) sick
have a stomach bug
have a viral gastroenteritis
have a black eye
an area of skin around the eye that has gone dark because it has been hit
have some cuts and bruises
after a fight you can have … on your skin
a hair of the dog (that bit you)
drinking more alcohol to treat hangover
worried well
people who are healthy but see a doctor because they think that they may have a disease or medical problem
be met with scepticism
be on the receiving end of an attitude that shows you doubt whether something is true or useful
low-level complaints
issues that have little importance or a low rank
excruciating pain
extremely painful
date back over … years
sth was … ago and still is
downward spiral
a situation in which a price, etc. becomes lower, or a situation gets worse and is difficult to control because one bad event causes another
relieve minor condition
to make an unpleasant condition less strong
spark neural connections
ring a bell
the number of deaths within a particular society and within a particular period of time
he morbidity of a disease is how many people have it in a particular population