1B Flashcards
menial job
low status, low wage job
white- collar job
mental/ office job
blue collar job
physical job
attractive in an exciting and special way
have a head for heights
not having a fear of high
have a head for figures
be good at maths
someone who can do many different jobs
bunk off
to stay away from school or work or to leave early, especially without permission (more school)
throw/ pull a sickie
to say to your employer that you are ill when you are not so that you do not have to go to your place of work for a day
be in work
to have a job
be out of work
to not have a job
be off work
to be on vacations/ have free time of work
someone who always obeys all the rules of their job even when they cause problems for other people or when the rules are silly
be signed-off
to be on the health leave (work)
busman’s holiday
a holiday where you do something similar to your usual work instead of having a rest from it
talk shop
to talk about things relating to your work when you are in a social situation, especially in a way that is not interesting to other people
on the dole
unemployed and receiving money from the government
skive off
to stay away from school or work or to leave early, especially without permission (more work)
work out
to exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body
work out an appetite
gradually become hungry, develop an appetite
get worked up over something
to get very upset or excited about something
have a hard job doing something
find it difficult to do something
have other/ bigger fish to fry
to have something more important to do
set the wheels in motion
to do something that will cause a series of actions to start
jammy beggar
sb is lucky (slung)
feel restless
to feel unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are worried or bored/ to need to be active
to slump
(of prices, values, or sales) to fall suddenly
spark somebody’s interest
create an unusual amount of interest (in something)
drift off
to gradually start to sleep
vested interest
a strong personal interest in something because you could get an advantage from it
so boring that it makes you very unhappy
extremely, enormously
in a way that exists as a natural or basic part of
without knowing any of the unpleasant facts about something
in a frightening, violent, or powerful way/ agressively
bitter disappointment
gorzkie rozczarowanie
competitively priced
w konkurencyjnej cenie
mind-numbingly boring
otepiajaco nudne
całkowicie, zupelnie
wholly /utterly inappropriate
calkowicie nieprzyzwoite
soundly asleep
głęboko pogrążony we śnie
całkowicie, kompletnie, zupełnie
inherently difficult
naturalnie trudne
hotly deny
gwaltownie zaprzeczac
faintly amusing
niezbyt zabawny
roundly condemn
stanowczo potepiac
fiercely competitive
lubiacy ostro rywalizowac
barely/ hardly other
słabo, lekko, z osłabieniem
safely assume
bezpiecznie przypuszczac