2a.2 Mussolini's 10 steps to power Flashcards
Step 1: What did Mussolini create after becoming prime minister
Dec 1922: a rival organisation to the government’s cabinet: Fascist Grand Council
–> 4 Fascists/ 4 liberals/ 2 PPI members/ 1 nationalist and 3 key independents
Why were conservatives & liberals prepared to support M? (Step 2)
- M was charismatic and was seen as someone who bought energy and dynamism into Italian politics ( wanted a new start to italian politics, wiping away transformismo system)
- They believed M could be easily influenced/ controlled ( was seen as a PM who happily shared power than monopolise it
- Many in political centre/ right believed only fascists could prvoide an effective defence against left wing anarchy (socialists and communism). Due to this, many deputies were prepared to give m’S GOVT a ‘free reign’ to suppress dangerous left
What did M persuade the political deputies to give him in November 1922? (Step 2)
To give him near-dictorial powers, eventually being granted emergency powers. for one year to reform administration and tax system
–> senate approved new powers by majority 196 to 16
How did Mussolini keep himself dominant in the Grand council of Fascism? (Step 3)
by giving himself the right to make all appointments , controlling party policy
–> centralised his power
How else did Mussolini reduce the influence of provincial fascist leaders in January of 1923? (Step 3)
by converting squads into a national militia paid for by the state (MVSN)
–> this formalised their role as a party-based paramilitary force whose job was to support the army and policy
–> 300K members pledged alliance to Italy and commander-in-chief Mussolini
–> M wanted to bring an end to continuing fascist violence (detrimental to his support among liberal elite and middle class)
What precaution did Mussolini also create? (Step 3)
a secret personal bodyguard pf fascist thugs ( CHEKA)
–> purpose: to terrorise any opponents of Mussolini
–> led by: Ameriqo Dumini, one of M’s closest advisers
How did Mussolini gain the trust of the industrialists early 23? (Step 4)
he convinced them he was not a dangerous radical as he did not attack tax evasion
–> he also persuaded Confindustria to support him
How did Mussolini gain the support of the Roman Catholic Church? (Step 4)
M tried to bury his atheist past & present himself as a devout catholic
–> had his grown up children baptised and had a church wedding
–> launched an attack on freemasonry and discouraged fascists from becoming masons
What 5 policies did Mussolini introduce to gain even more support from RCC? (Step 4)
- increased clerical salaries (state grant)
- banned contraception
- introduced religious education in state schools/ universities
- banned certain anti-clerical publications
- dropped liberal proposals to tax church property
As a result of all the support M showed for the RCC, how did Pope Pius XI react? (Step 4)
He withdrew support from PPI party and instructed leader (Strurzo) to resign on July 1923 and leave Italy in October 1923
- PPI dropped from govt coalition and lost backing of most conservative catholics
How did the PNF benefit from Pope Pius XI’s support? (Step 4)
Membership grew significantly from 1922
–> Oct 1923: 300K and by end of 1923, 800K membership
What happened to nationalists in 1923 February? (Step 4)
major increase due to nationalists closing down organisation in 1923 Feb to join PNF
–> blue shirts (nationalists) merged with MVSN
July of 1923, what did Mussolini want to change? (step 5)
he changed the electoral system, proposing the Acerbo Law
–> single party/ combination formed a list of candidates and whichever party list won the most votes (above 25% of all votes still) would automatically receive 2/3 of seats in chamber of deputies
–> 1/3 remaining would be allocated depending on proportion of votes gained (proportional representation)
April 1924 New elections: how did it go? (Step 6)
Fascists secured 66% of vote, being qualified to 2/3 of the seats
Fascist deputies increased from 35 to 374 ( out of 535 seats in total)
–>remaining deputies: 39 PPI, 46 socialists split between PSI and Reform liberals, 19 communists
How did the blackshirts contribute to the PNF’s vote?
black shirt violence and ballot rigging (fixed result using illegal measures like destroying votes cast for opposition parties or adding fraudulent voting papers)
Who was Matteotti and how was his death significant? (Step 7)
When parliament reopened in June 1924, opposition deputies accused Fascists of illegal activities. Giacomo Matteotti was a socialist and prominent spokesman
–> provided evidence of Fascist terror and violence
–> 10 days later on the 10th of June, he was killed
As a result of Matteoti’s death, what 3 sides did Mussolini face pressure from? (Step 7)
1.old established elite who were concerned with backing a PM accused of murder
2. PSI/PCI/ other anti fascist parties who called for the dismissal of M
3. ras who saw the murder as signs of a fascist revolution
What was the Aventine secession? How many deputies left the parliament? (Step 7)
a parliament formed by socialists, communists and antifascists who wanted to over throw M after Matteoti’s death
–> 100 antifascists left (actually beneficial for M)
Why was deputies leaving Mussolini’s parliament actually beneficial? (Step 7)
- M’s strong conservative anticommunist government was appealing to key figures of Italian politics (who did not want a change in PM, especially not to a socialist or communist)
- Easier for M to pass legislation
- Aventine secession was full of a vast range of political ideologies, from liberalism to communism= lack of unity and agreement = no threat to M
How did Mussolini solve the Matteoti crisis? (Step 7)
he put more blackshirts to deter opposition ad distanced himself form the crime by ordering the arrest of Fascist suspects
–> M also handed the positions of interior and justice minister to nationalists
–> ordered PNF to crease all forms of violence and remove any members who were undisciplined
In July- August how else did M try to distance himself from the Matteoti crisis? (Step 8)
press censorship and banned political meetings by opposition in August
What occurred with leading fascists that created even more pressure for Mussolini in? (Step 8)
Dec 1924: M was presented with an ultimatum that if he did not end the matteoti crisis and begin a dictatorship, they would immediately withdraw support
What did Mussolini do to address the Matteoti crisis in 1925? (Step 8.1)
M took full responsibility for the fascist actions, including the violence on Jan 3rd 1925
–> he promised he would provide the Italian people with a strong govt without violence/ anarchy
–> M set up a committee to reform the constitution
Who was Farinacci and what position did Mussolini appoint him? (Step 8)
PNF secretary in Feb 1925, tasked with purging those who would not follow M’s political direction
–> increased membership from 600K to 938k
–> diluted power of squadristi
–> increased number within party who showed loyalty to M
–> Oct: Grand council of Fascism approved of a motion to disband the ras and end the squadristi
2nd October 1925: Palazzo Vidoni pact
- established official fascist unions as only representatives of Italy’s workers, taking power from socialist and catholic unions
December 1925 What series of laws did Mussolini pass? (Step 9)
Leggi Fascistissime:
- banned all opposition political parties and organisations e.g. non-fascist trade unions
- tightened press censorship
- set up new secret police OVRA
-set up special court for political crimes (Special Tribunal for the Defence of the State: run by members of Fascist milita)
What was Confino? What did the govt do with passports? (Step 9)
M using his police and courts to round up known opponents, many of whom were banished to remote parts of Italy
They withdrew all passports, reissuing them only for suitable applicants
What were podestas? (Step 9)
elected mayors and councils were replaced with government appointed officials
–> increased fascist control to localities and silenced another voice
In January 1926 what right was Mussolini given? (Step 9)
he was granted right to issue decrees carrying full force of law
–> could make laws without consulting parliament
What happened in 1928? (Step 10)
king lost the right to select the PM,
–> list of possible candidates would be drawn up from Grand Council of Fascism and King would make his selection from this list