2.3a How successful was Mussolini's attempts to control the Italian population Flashcards
Indoctrination of the education and the youth
one of M’s political goals: to create a loyal generation of Italian fascists by focusing on Italian youth
Dec 1921: Avanguardia Giovanile Fascista ( Fascist youth front) created 14-17
Gruppi Universitari Fascisti (GUF) March 1923 then Balilla 8-14
–> were not as well strcutured and complete with youth organisations of other political parties
1924: Only 3000 children formally involved with these youth associations
What was created on the 3rd April 1926?
Opera Nazionale Balilla was created
–> goal of providing for the physical and moral benefit of the youth 8-18 year olds
In 1934 how was the balilla restructured?
more complex fashion: 3 categories
- Figli della Lupa (sons of the she wolf) 6-8
- Balilla 8-14
- Avanguardisti 14-17
Female involvement youth organisation
Figle della Lupa (daughters of the she wolf) 6-8
Piccole Italiane 8-13
Giovane Italiane (Young Italian women) 14-17
Methold of control: Press control AIMS
To encourange the positive image of Mussolini and fascism
To present fascist Italy as a country with no social problems
To rule out any threats or opposition to the fascist regime
To install trust and sense of security within the fascist Gov for Italian people
Method of control: Press control ACTIONS
Prefects could confiscate editions of any newspaper, journal or magazine that could be unfavourable to fascist government
- had power to suspend publication, replace editors and completely shut down offensive papers
- Left wing newspapers like Avanti were shut down
- All journalists were forcibly incorporated into a fascist union who controlled access to jobs and promotions
Method of control: Press control ACHIEVEMENTS
Fascists utilised press control and strict guidelines by forcing most, if not all, newspapers to follow all obligations
–> journalists were constantly kept under check and control through fear installed by fascists about the harsh consequences of not following rules
–> allowed fascists to control exactly what public was seeing, making it difficult for any Italians not to be in support of fascist regime
Method of control: Censorship
Mussolini was strict on controlling what was actually in newspapers
–> specific instructions were given about what could and couldn’t be written and how it should be written
e.g. no crimes, suicides, traffic incidents, or anything of damage
Fascists only had 100,000 copeis of Popolo d’Italia
600,000 for Corriere della Sera // 250,000 for Vatican newspaper Oservatore Romano
Method of control: propaganda aims
–> goal was to raise support across board through propaganda/ turn mobilising support for his policies and fascist ideas
–> for Italian nationals to truly embody ‘ Fascists’ through idea of Italy as a world super power / wanted to restore idea of supremacy and greatness back into public
Method of control: propaganda actions
city of Rome= focal point of fascist (cult of Rome instilled a sense of pride when public is reminded of the birthplace of the greatest empire)
–> any medieval buildings were destroyed so Rome’s classical infrastructure could be seem better
1937, over 1 mill people celebrated the 2000 anniversary of Augustus Caesar
–> showed Mussolini being the heir of Caesar ( portrayed in sports newspapers, media cinema
Italy won world cup in 1934 and 1938 while world boxing champion was Italian
Method of control: propaganda achievements
propaganda was hard to promote and arrange (due to lack of ministry personal to organise until 1935)
1935- Ministry of press renamed to (Ministry of popular culture 1937)
–> had frailties in exploiting parts of society like film or cinema/ lack of media exposure on south, causing a mass consensus of support for the fascists regime hard to do
Method of control: Schools aims
to have a whole generation of devoted fascists
–> First minister of education: Giovanni Gentile 1923: he improved literacy and education standards in order to achieve educational attainment
Method of control: school actions
portrait of mussolini in every classroom and teachers had to constantly recognise his genius and heroic qualities
Mussolini ha sempre reagione
Changes: libro Unico was a generalised fascist book for each school year 101/317 history books banned
RE became compulsory in 1923 for primary then 1929 for secondary
Method of control: school achievements
Illiteracy rate fell from 27% of the population in 1921 to 17% of the population in 1936
Method of control: youth movements popularity
Not as popular with children as expected especially due to rival organisations formed by Church
-> ONB’s close link to school system meant it was disproportionately male and middle class as girls and lower class boys tended to leave school at 12-14
Method of control: youth movements short comings
Not all children who joined were true believers (anti-fascist parents only sent children to prevent loss of certain benefits
Boys did not develop into the fierce fascists but rather kids who just enjoyed the activities
once membership became compulsory there was an increase of 8.5 million but after M ‘s regime fell, the groups dissolved immediately
Method of control: universities aims and benefits
All uni students had to join Gioventi Universitaria Fascista. They gained benefits such as:
–> use of sports facilities, m half-price admission to entertainment, partial exemption from military service & more career opportunities
Method of control: universities achievements
seen as successful as there was a significant increase in adolescent support for M
1921-1942, no of university students went from 54k to 165k
Method of control: Cult of il Duce aims
worship of one leader, M
- aimed to present M as ideal, infallible leader who had saved Italy from threat of socialism and economic backwardness
- aimed to increase M and regime’s popularity asw as associating fascism’s successes to M
- 30 mill pictures of ilDuce around 2500 poses , portraying M as a modern, dynamic leader who was a brilliant sportsman and respected statesman
Il Duce ha sempre ragione (M is always right)
Method of control: Cult of il Duce achievements
likened to St Francis and Jesus
believed to be related to Julius Caesar and Augustus (roman imagery allowed him to represent Fascist regime as a new age of glory for Italy)
- archaeology was manipulated to support glories of Fascism and draw close connections to imperial Rome
- made it clear no one could succeed him
Method of control: Cult of il Duce myths
Italy was not very political but rather the public bought into the god-like aura and power of M, worshipping him and emphasised his infallibility
- stories of M working 20 hours a day on government business (never mentioned age or glasses)
- war hero who had 40 wounds & did not need anaesthetics when operated on
All these myths helped build mass support and his prestige sustained regime during times of difficulties
Method of control: Cult of il Duce successes
Many liberals (even in democratic britain) publicly accorded certificates of merit to il Duce
Winston Churchill on Feb 17 1933 declared that the Roman genius was personified in M
-Showed his increased prestige abroad
Method of control: Repression and terror aims
to get rid of political opponents and antifascist organisations through OVRA and more
- To instil fear to prevent the thought of overthrowing fascist government
- To force youth into fascism
- To destroy jewish population
1926 November: M introduced legislation that banned all other political parties and suppressed any Italians who tried to protest + he also reintroduced death penalty for attempted assassinations on the king /M/ threatened national security.
Method of control: Repression and terror actions (tribunals)
Special tribunals were held where political dissidents were sent into exile for set amount of time ( Confino)
- outside of normal courts were immediate judgements were given
- 21,000 people tried from 1926-42 (3/4 were acquitted)
- 1927-1939: 3569 sentences were passed, totalling 19309 years overall
Method of control: Repression and terror actions ( Political police)
Political police division was formed in late 1926 by Arturo Bocchini (were successful in breaking antifascist organisations)
- worked with Servizi Militari Informativi (SIM) to spy on and assassinate prominent antifascists Carlo and Nello Rosselli
- bocchini held files on an estimated 130000 Italians
Method of control: Repression and terror actions (OVRA)
OVRA were created in 1927 (Italian secret police) to shut down on any domestic antifascist sentiment or activities
- 5000 informants
- spies infiltrated universities, businesses and fascist unions
- Italian mail was examined/ phone calls were listened to by Special reserve service
Method of control: Repression and terror achievements
M’s radical and anti-semetic decrees were not accepted by the majority of the population
- large amount of discontent, especially when Church voiced disagreements
- 1926: police benefited from enhanced powers (made them less accountable for actions, more frequent monitoring.
Method of control: Repression and terror: Was OVRA successful for propaganda?
Overall network of 100,000 informants
1930: 20,000 raids per week with 6000 people being arrested by OVRA (were exiled to remote Med islands)
Method of control: OND
Opera Nazionale Dopolavore (National Afterwork Organisation) was one of the most popular aspects of the regime
- 1931: 1.75 million members and 1939: 3.8 million members
- 1927 Leader Mario Giani was dismissed by Fascist Party Secretary Augusto Turati (took control of OND and used it as a tool for the PNF)
Method of Control: OND aims
to provide for people’s free times and a mass organisation during Depression years
- after Turati took over, it offered social welfare and rest and recreation facilities for blue- and white- collar workers
- 1938: OND kept functions of its PNF and provided some compensation in form of facilities and services for low pay & standards ( prevented many workers from being serious antifascists)
Method of Control: OND actions
provided considerable variety of social and spotting opportunities e.g. bars, libraries, football and radios
- OND sections were well funded (each had a clubhouse and recreation grounds: lots of films and music
- Most importantly, OND did not explicitly promote fascism and nationalism
- Subsidised holidays allowed workers to take families to beautiful places with little to no cost
By 1939: 4 million working members in OND
Method of Control: OND achievements
most successful mass-fascist organisation in terms of membership
- 80% of all private and state salary workers + 40% of factory workers
- cinema-going increased, exposed Italians to heavily censored films full of fascism promotion
- OND cumulative impact was probably to alleviate and divert some social distress and discontent during depression years
-Through sport, Italy won 12 gold medals in 1932 olympics and won 1934/1938 football world cups (helped boost nation’s morale and present Italy as healthy successful nation)
Method of Control: OND failures
OND did not actually increase loyalty with even M discouraging the use of OND as a form of Fascist indoctrination
- People watched hollywood films that even went against fascist ideology more
- Women were at the majority of OND sporting events, movies, theatres and outgoings. This gives them more non-maternal optionals that were sponsored by regime, going directly against the battle of births.