***29. Gallbladder calculi .Cholecystitis. Cholangitis Flashcards
what are the different terminology of gallbladder calculi
cholecystolithiasis = gallbladder stones
choledocholithiasis = extrahepatic bile duct
intrahepetic bile ducts
bile is formed from : bile acids / salts = made from cholestrol phospholipids - lecithin cholesterol bilirubin sodium , potassium , bicarbonate
what are the risk factors for gall stones ?
four F fat FEMALES OVER 40 fertile
lack of melatonin
imabalence of bile salt , lecithin , calcium carbonate and bilirubin
reduced gallbladder motility
descirbe cholestrol stones
there is excessive cholesterol and insufficient bile acid and lecithin (phopholipid) = percipitates to form cholesterol crystals and stones with calcium carbonate
they are whitish yellow
risk = four f
describe black pigment stones
causes - chronic hemolytic anemia , cirrhosis
= inrease circulating unconjugated bilirubin - increase uptake of this by the liver to conjugate - percipitation with calcium and unconjugated bilirubin = calcium bilirubinate
= cannot be dissloved = remove surgically
decribe brown pigmnets
risk - bacterial infection in the billary tracts due to bile staisi
catalyse the bilirubin glucuronide to insoluble unconjugated bilirubin = percipitaed calcum bilirubinate and BACTERIAL CELL BODIES
decribe mixed stones ?
mix of choestrol and pigmnet stones
what are the clinical signs and symptoms ?
sometimes light epigastric pain and fat intolerance
post prandil pain after ingestion of fatty meal esp = vagal stimulation of gall bladder and release of cholecysokinin (hormone relased by the enteroendocrine cell of duodenum) - causing gall bladder to contract
if the stone gets stuck in ductus cysticus or and papilla vateri :
exrutiating billary colic constant dull RUQ pain lasting up to 6 hours
pain radiating to neck and right shoulder
nausea and vomitting
blocks the cystic duct
acute cholecystitis
positive murphy sign
excretion of bile pgments through kidney = dark urine colour
steatorrhea - grey
how do we diagnose gall bladder stones ?
golden stndard = ultrasound
endoscopic ultrasound
CT diffrentiate pignet and cholesterin tsones
x ray - only dtect pigmnet stones = cholesterin stones = radiolucent
dd of gall bladder stone ?
kidney stone
sclerosing cholangitis
wat is the treatmnet ?
clinically silent = no treatmet
begining of therapy = 24 hr fasting
after this dietary modification with decreased fat intake
spamolytics - dycylomine
strong colic pain =
opiates - pethidin
(other morphine derivative causes spasm of sphincter of oddi )
udca = inhibto synthesis and secretion of cholestrol = for patients who refuse srugery or risky
dissolving gall stones of PURE cholesterol origin -with percutaneous catheter insertion - mono octanoin
or through a per oral catheter inserted into the common bile duct
should be less than 20mm
extracorpreal shock wave lithotripsy
when the acute systeoms stops
= laproscoic cholecystectomy
surgcal cholecystostomy
complications ?
vitamin deficency of fat solublesubstance acute cholangitis pancreatitis empyema of gall bladder chronic cholecystitis
etiology of cholecystitis ?
there is acute calculus cholecystitis
etiology most often is cholelithiasis causing cystic duct obstruction - causing distention and inflammation of the gallbladder
secondary bacterial infection such as Coli and klebsiella maybe present
what is the clinical features of acute cholecystitis ?
right upper quadrant pain more severe and prolonged up to more than 6 hours
physical signs of cholecystitis ?
positive murphy signs
what is a life threating form of cholecystitis ?
empheseymatous cholecystitis - air within the gall bladder formed by gas forming bacteria such as clostridium and coli
it is associates with early gangrene and gallbladder perforation
charteetristic feature when diagnosis - is air within the gallbladder - within ultrasound , CT
treatmnet : nothing should be taken by mouth
IV fluids
broad spectrum iv antibiotics - piperacillin - tazobactum