27-28-29 Flashcards
Dormant cells with resistant outer covering used for disease transmission
Protist are
Most diverse of eukaryotic kigdoms
United in the basis that the are not fungi plants or animals
Unicellular, colonial, and multicellular groups
Most are microscopic some huge
Protist move by
Flagella: 1 or more Cilia: shorter and more numerous than flagella Pseudopodia(false feet) •lobopods- large blunt •filopods-thin branching •axopods-thin long
Nutrition of protist
Phototropism Heterotrophism -phagotroph- Ingest food matter -osmotrophs- soluble food matter Mixotrophs are both phototropism and heterotrophic
Cell division preceded by several nuclear divisions ; produces several individuals
General characteristics do earlier complex life forms
Cell surface Cyst Locomotion Nutrition Asexual and sexual reproduction Multicellularity
Eukaryotes differ from prokaryotes
Presences of cytoskeleton
Compartmentalization (nucleus and organelles
Cell surface has
Plasma membrane with sterol and prokaryotes have hopanoid
And extracellular material
Daughter cell smaller than paren but later grows adult size
Alteration of generation
Mitosis then gametophytes then 2 gametes and through fusion of gametes there is a zygote mitosis crates sporophyte and meiosis creates 4 spores
Share similarities in cytoskeleton features and DNA sequences
Use flagella Lack mitochondria Responsible for std vaginitis No sexual reproduction Digest cellulose
Apical complex- a unique arrangement of organelle sat one end of the cell
Plasmodium causes malaria
Spore forming . Spores are small cells that lie within a thick walked resistant cover
Pseudopod for movement amoebean too
Three distict monopheylic group
Exoskeleton made of silica
Needle like pseudopods
Common phytoplankton