2.6 Industrial/ employee relations Flashcards
A bargaining process between two or more parties, each with its own viewpoints, and seeks to find common ground, reach agreements and resolve conflict.
Collective barganing
The process by which wages and conditions of employment are negotiated between employers, or associations of employers and workers’ organisations.
Trade union
An organization of workers members who unite to protect their rights and well-being in the workplace.
Methods used by employees to achieve individual and group objectives:
- negotiations
- go slow
- work to rule
- overtime bans
- strikes
A bargaining process whereby separate parties attempt to achieve a mutually acceptable outcome, i.e. a win-win situation.
Go slow
Employees deliberately work slower, reducing productivity and output.
Work to rule
Employees follow rules and procedures to the letter.
Overtime bans
Workers refuse to do overtime. In some industries, such as transport, this is extremely disruptive as overtime is required to offer acceptable service levels.
Employees withdraw their labour and refuse to work in response to the breakdown of collective bargaining. A strike may be:
- for a fixed period e.g. one-day
- rolling (a sequence of strikes)
- full-time, until the dispute is resolved.
Methods used by employers to achieve individual and group objectives
- negotiations
- threat of redundancies
- changes of contract
- closure
- lock-outs
Sources of conflict in the workplace
- poor communication
- personality-based conflict
- needs and wants
- power and control
- redundancy
- change
- values, beliefs and attitudes
- emotional differences
- power abuse
Types of conflict resolution
- Single-union agreement
- No-strike agreements
- Conciliation and arbitration
- Employee participation and industrial democracy
Conciliation and arbitration
A process whereby the two parties involved in a dispute agree to use the services of an independent mediator to help in the negotiations.
Single-union agreement
Refers to an organization agreeing to participate in collective bargaining with a sole trade union that represents the workers.
No-strike agreements
A method of conflict resolution involving members of a labour union agreeing not to strike as a form of industrial action.
Employee participation and industrial democracy
Employee participation is a generic term for all forms of employee involvement in decision-making.
Reasons for resistance to change in the workplace
- fear of failure
- self-interest – losing something of value
- misinformation – false beliefs about the need for change
- low tolerance – lack of trust