250522 Flashcards
Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God the Almighty Father Who created Heaven and Earth I believe in Jesus Christ, His Son our Lord Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit Born of the Virgin Mary Suffered under Pontius Pilate Was crucified, died and was buried And on the third day rose again Ascended to Heaven To be seated at the right hand of the Father
4 Omni’s of God
God is comprised of three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). All of them are God, and God is each of them, but they are not each other
The Fall
When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and disobeyed God’s will, causing a rift between Creator and creation
Why is there suffering
The fall created evil as Eden was perfect and Adam and Eve decided to leave it
Story of Job
Job was righteous, Satan said that Job is only pious because he is prosperous in material wealth. After Satan took all of his wealth, killed his children and put Job in ill health, Job still refused to curse God.
Jesus is the physical embodiment of God (the Son) on earth
The Romans captures Jesus under false accusations and executed Jesus to prevent growing resentment of Roman rule in Israel. He was hung from a cross in a process called crucifixion
Being saved from sin
Making up for previously committed sins through either doing good deeds or worship and faith
When Jesus died, his corpse was put in a cave with a stone rolled over the entrance (as were the wishes of his followers), three days after his body was placed in the cave, he rose from the dead to talk with a few of his disciples and ascend to Heaven
The physical departation of Christ from Earth, rising to Heaven to be with his Father
Humans are sinful and so are destined to go to Hell, but accepting Jesus and following his commandments leads to eternal life in Heaven
Parable of Lazarus
A rich man endulged himself on find food and clothes while a poor man (Lazarus) starved outside and was hurt by wild dogs. When Lazarus died he went to Heaven and lived with Abraham, when the rich man died he was sent to Hell. Upon seeing Abraham and Lazarus, the rich man pleaded for mercy, but it was too late. He then pleaded that someone could tell his brothers of his fate, Abraham said that if Moses and the prophets could not convince them, they couldn’t be changed by him.
Parable of the Sheep and Goats
Jesus will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then God told the sheep to recieve their inheritance (ie go to heaven). Then he said to the goats to “depart from me, you who are cursed”
Forms of worship
Liturgical (structures, in a church) Non-Liturgical (no structure, in a church) Informal Worship (not in church, public) Private (between one person and God)
Nature of prayer
Prayers is seen as being the only way to communicate with God. (Catholics believe that only priests can dirctly communicate with God and for a lay person to pray, they need to be with a priest)
Quaker worship
Often with a few dozen people, often silent for reflection. Services are called meetings. Being at one with the Holy Spirit.