2.4 Quarks and Antiquarks Flashcards
What were kaons called when they were first discovered
V particles
As the cloud chamber photographs often showed V-shaped tracks
Although the ‘strange particles’ all decay through the weak interaction:
- Those that decay into pions only were referred to as kaons
- The others, such as sigma (Σ) particle were found to have different rest masses which were always greater than the protons rest mass, and decay either in sequence or directly into protons and pions
- Strange particles are created in twos
Why was the ‘strangeness number’ (S) introduced
To explain why certain reactions were not observed
Strangeness always conserved in strong interactions
Strangeness numbers of particles
+1 for the K+ meson
0 strangeness for non-strange particles (proton, neutron, pions, leptons)
Strangeness is always conserved in a strong interaction, whereas strangeness can change by…
… 0, +1, or -1 in weak interactions
How can the properties of the hadrons such as charge, strangeness and rest mass be explained
By assuming they are composed of smaller particles known as quarks and antiquarks
What are three types of quarks
up, down and strange
u, d and s
Mesons are ______, each consisting of a ______ and an ______.
A π 0 meson can be…
…any quark-corresponding antiquark combination
Each pair of charged mesons is a…
… particle-antiparticle pair
There are two uncharged kaons
K0 and the K0 meson
The antiparticle of any meson is a…
… quark-antiquark pair and therefore another meson
Baryons and antibaryons are hadrons that consist of three quarks for a baryon or three antiquarks for an antibaryon
A proton is the uud combination A neutron is the udd combination \_\_\_ An antiproton is the uud combination The Σ particle is a baryon containing a strange quark
What is the only stable baryon
The proton
A free neutron decays into a proton, releasing an electron and an electron antineutrino as in β- decay
β- decay, a ______ in a ______-rich nucleus change into a ______, releasing an electron and an electron ______. In quark terms, a down quark changes to an ______ quark.
Neutron Neutron Proton Antineutrino Up
In β+ decay, a ______ in a ______-rich nucleus changes into a ______, releasing a positron and an electron ______. In quark terms, an up quark changes to a ______ quark.
Proton Proton Neutron Neutrino Down