1.5 Particle Interactions Flashcards
How can we measure forces
By using newtonmeters and force sensors
What changes in an object when a single force acts on it
Changes the momentum of the object
It is its mass multiplied by its velocity
What happens when two objects interact
They exert equal and opposite forces on each other
What happens if two protons approach each other
They repel each other and move away from each other
What did Richard Feynman work out about electromagnetic forces between two charged objects
Said it was due to the exchange of virtual photons
What can be drawn to show the electromagnetic force between two protons
A Feynman diagram
Do the lines in a Feynman diagram represent the paths of the particles
What holds the neutrons and protons in a nucleus together
The strong nuclear force
What force causes aw neutron to change into a proton in β- decay or a proton to change into a neutron in + decay
The weak nuclear force
Must be weaker than the strong nuclear force otherwise it would affect stable nuclei
What is formed in β+ and β- decay
A new particle and new antiparticle
NOT a corresponding particle-antiparticle pair, as one is an electron or a positron and the other is a neutrino or an antineutrino
Do neutrinos and antineutrinos interact with other particles
What happens when a neutrino interacts with a neutron
Makes it change into a proton
β- particle (electron) is created and emitted as a result of the change
What happens when an antineutrino interacts with a proton
Makes it change into a neutron
β+ particle (a positron) is created and emitted as a result of the change
What are the interactions between a neutrino and neutron, and antineutrino and proton due to
The exchange of particles called W bosons
W bosons:
Have a non-zero rest mass
Have a very short range of no more than about 0.001 fm
Are positively charged (W+ boson) or negatively charged (W- boson)
Discovery of the W boson
First detected directly in 1983 by scientists at CERN
Protons and antiprotons at very high energies made to collide and annihilate each other.
High energies, W bosons and photons produced
β particles from W boson decays detected exactly as predicted
What does the W- boson decay into
A β- particle and an antineutrino
What does the W+ boson decay into
β+ particle and a neutrino
Sometimes a proton in a proton-rich nucleus turns into a ______ as a result of interacting through the weak interaction with an ______-______ electron from outside the nucleus (______ ______).
Electron Capture
Why are the photon and W boson known as force carriers
As they are exchanged when the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force act respectively