2.2 Particle Sorting Flashcards
How are the new particles and antiparticles created
Through high-energy interactions
Decay into other particles and antiparticles (apart from the neutrino)
How was the conclusion that the π + meson and the π - meson are a particle-antiparticle pair
Charged pions were often produced in pairs
How can particles and antiparticles be divided into groups
Into groups called hadrons and leptons
According to whether or not they interact through the strong interaction
What are hadrons
Particles and antiparticles that can interact through the strong interaction
Protons, neutrons, π mesons, K mesons
What are leptons
Particles and antiparticles that do not interact through the strong interaction
Electrons, muons, neutrinos
Leptons interact through the ______ interaction, the ______ interaction and through the ______ (interaction if charged).
Hadrons can interact through all for fundamental interactions. They interact through the ______ interaction and through the ______ interaction if charged. Apart from the ______ which is stable, hadrons tend to decay through the ______ interaction
What is the Large Hadron Collider
A ring-shaped accelerator that boosts the kinetic energy of the charged particles in the ring at several places round it. Fixed magnets round the ring bend the path of the particles to keep them in the ring
When the charged particles in the large hadron collider collide with other particles:
The total energy of the particles and antiparticles before the collision = their rest energy + their kinetic energy
The total energy of the new particles and antiparticles after the collision = their rest energy + their kinetic energy
Using the conservation of energy
The rest energy of the products =
Total energy before - the kinetic energy of the products
1 GeV =
1000 MeV
What can be produced when kaons are created
Short-lived particles with greater rest masses than protons
Created through strong interaction (hadrons) however decay into protons as well as pions
How can hadrons be divided into two groups
Maryons and Mesons
What are Baryons
Protons and all other hadrons (including neutrons) that decay into protons, wither directly or indirectly
What are Mesons
Hadrons that do not include protons in their decay [roducts
Ie. kaons and pions are not baryons
What smaller particles are baryons and mesons composed of
Quarks and antiquarks