24 - IFR: NATO STANAG 8168 Suppl. (MIPS) (August 2011) Flashcards
What is the purpose of the MIPS publication?
It is a supplement to ICAO Doc 8168, which provides procedural guidance for military flight operations, in order to adapt the ICAO standards for the unique manoeuvring capabilities that many military aircraft have.
(NATO Suppl. to ICAO Doc 8168, Chapter 1, paragraph 102.)
Which alternative method, can be used by pilots to depart the airport where aircraft performance does not meet the specifief climb gradient?
Visual Climb Over Airport (VCOA)
The aircraft will visually climb within a specified radius of the airport until reaching the defined altitude on this procedure.
(NATO Suppl. to ICAO Doc 8168, Chapter 3, paragraph 301.)
If published, what climb gradient can be required during missed approach during an CAT I precision approach?
Climbs gradients in excess of 5% may be published at certain locations. (marked as NON-STANDARD)
(NATO Suppl. to ICAO Doc 8168, Chapter 4, paragraph 401.)
Where an operational requirement exists, which decent gradient can be authorized during all segments of a helicopter approach procedure?
13,1% (800 ft/NM)
(NATO Suppl. to ICAO Doc 8168, Chapter 8, section I, paragraph 814.)
Where does Obstacle Identification Surface (OIS) start, according to PANS-OPS?
16 ft above the DER
(NATO Suppl. to ICAO Doc 8168, Chapter 1, paragraph 105g.)