24 Hour Checks Flashcards
Aft Baggage Smoke Detectors
SMOKE warning light MASTER WARNING lights SMOKE/EXTG VENT INLT and VENT OTLT advisory lights AFT BTL ARM advisory lights
Engine Fire Detection
FUEL OFF handle light FAULT A and FAULT B light CHECK FIRE DETECT master warning ENGINE FIRE lights MASTER WARNING lights Fire bell - push ENGINE FIRE lights to ensure they stop flashing and bell is silenced
Fwd Baggage Smoke Detector
SMOKE warning light
SMOKE/EXTG advisory light
FWD BTL ARM advisory light
Stall Warning
stick shacker
STALL SYST 1 or 2 FAIL caution light
PUSHER SYST FAIL caution light
Barometric Altitude 14,360 Altimeter 29.23 Vmo 284 airspeed reads 285 in red SAT -15C WTG 1 or 2 fail IAS, IAS MISMATCH, ALT on PFD PITCH TRIM, ELEVATOR FEEL, AVIONICS caution lights overspeed warning tone (test 2 SAT does not change)
SELECT advisory light A/F SELECT and A/F TEST IN PROG on ED observe twice: UPTRIM appears ITT and Nh red radials increase NTOP to MTOP and torque rating and bugs increase 10% A/F ARM appears MTOP to NTOP and torque rating and bugs decrease 10% A/F TEST PASS
Flight Compartment Door Emergency Access Test
Flight compartment door - closed and locked
FA emerg access switch - press
Internal doors switch - deny
Stall Protection System
REF SPEEDs INCR appears on ED
Windshield Heat
WSHLD CTRL caution light does not illuminate within 5 minutes
Airframe Ice Protection
confirm deice press 18+-3 psi
WING advisory lights illuminate sequentially and recommence after 24 second dwell period
AIRFRAME MODE SELECT MANUAL - rotate through wing and tail positions and observe advisory lights illuminate
PROPS advisory lights illuminate individually and go out in sequence
normal operating oil temperature changes to 65-107
Engine Intake Doors
verify open
HTR lights on if temp is below 15C
Rudder Actuator Test
RUD 1 PUSH OFF switch push and observe #1 RUD HYD caution
observe rudder travel
(repeat for RUD 2)