2.3.2 Theories of Crime- Behavioural Flashcards
Ivan Pavlov
Classical conditioning in dogs.
Classical conditioning in dogs
Ivan Pavlov
John Watson
Classical Conditioning in Humans (Little Albert)
Classical Conditioning in Humans (Little Albert)
John Watson
Classical Conditioning
when a CS is associated with an UCS it will elicit a CR which is similar to but weaker than the UCR.

an event which automatically triggers a physiological response.

A natural, unlearned, physiological response to a trigger.
a previously neutral event which, after association with the UCS triggers a physiological response.
the physiological response to the CS, it is weaker than the UCR.
BF Skinner (learning type and animal?)
Operant conditioning of rats
Operant conditioning of rats
BF Skinner
BF Skinner did what?
Extended the work of Watson to complex behaviours and a non-reliance on association with an UCR.
What are the 5 steps of Operant Conditioning?
- Specifically Identify Goal
- General reinforcement type
- Specific reinforcement type
- Most effective stimulus for individual
- Schedual of Reinforcement
What are the General reinforcement types? (OC)
Primary reinforcer of secondary reinforcer.
A Primary reinforcer is
naturally reinforcing to an individual- air, water, food, shelter, sex.
A secondary reinforcer is
only reinforcing to an individual through association with a primary reinforcer- money. More socially acceptable.
2 specific reinforcement types
Punishment, positive reinforcement.
an unpleasant stimulus which, when applied after a response, decreases the likelihood of recurrence.
Positive reinforcer
a pleasant stimulus which, when applied after a response increases the likelihood of recurrence.
What are the 2 catagories of reinforcement scheduals?
Continuous reinforcement and partial reinforcement.
Continuous reinforcement is when
reinforcement is administered following each and every correct response.
Partial reinforcement is when
reinforcement is provided on an inverval (time) or ratio (number) schedual.
Fixed interval
reinforcement is administered after a specific amount of time has elapsed following a correct response.
Variable Interval
reinforcement is administered after a variable amount of time has elapsed following the correct response.
Fixed Ratio
reinforcement is administered after a specific number of correct responses have occurred. (RAT)
Variable Ratio
reinforcement is administered after a varying number of correct responses have occured.
Behaviourists define the basis of personality as
one’s behaviours which are formed through associations with reinforcement or punishment.
Behaviourist: Cause of criminal behaviour
due to the strength of an association ebtween criminal action and reinforcement or punishment.
Behaviourist: alterring the criminal personality
can be accomplished through application of the operant conditioning model.
Social learning theory (kids with punching bags)
Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura
Social learning theory (kids with punching bags)
What did Bandura do?
Extended the work of Skinner by arguing that humans have higher cognitive capacity than other animals, so many “learn” through modelling and the use of non-direct reinforcers (threats and punishments)
Modelling suggests that
the concept of operant conditioning can be applied in humans through “seeing” others who recieve direct reinforcement (punishment or reward)
What did Bandura suggest about threats and punishments?
because humans have language, we can understand the connection between words and potential direct reinforcement (punishment or reward)
5 steps for effective threats and promises.
- Limited use
- Specificity
- Realism
- History/ Reputation
- Reciprocal impact (cost the person saying it)