2.3 Urban Flashcards
Rio Transport Problems
A citizen loses 100 hours sitting in traffic per year- people late to work, more money on fuel
Rioting has caused damage to railways stations- people can’t get to work, railway companies lose income
Isolated communities on steep hillsides make transport difficult- tricky to build or expand roads
Poorly maintained traffic lights- dangerous to walk or cycle at night
Over 3 million rely on buses which are overcrowded- people get injured, frequent breakdowns
Subways don’t connect with favelas- people can’t travel to work
Vehicles stuck in traffic create lots of air pollution- risk of health such as lung cancer
Streets are poorly maintained and vehicles run red lights- people get hurt, 700 traffic fatalities per year
Rio Transport Strategies
The Rio-Niteroi Bridge connects the two cities- provides shorter alternative to 80km road journey
Subway system extensions added to reduce congestion on road bridges- allows a quicker commute for passengers
Dedicated bike lanes sponsored by government throughout city- makes cycling safer and encourages it
600 bikes available at 60 rental stations- increases physical activity within city
Bi-articulated buses with A/C carry nearly 200 passengers- moves people quicker than traditional bus services
Tram system designed without overhead power lines- doesn’t require fossil fuels or emit toxic gases
Metro is the cleanest form of transport and carries over 1 million passengers per day- cheap and fast way to commute due to frequency
20km toll road road used by 70,000 vehicles every day- cheap to use and provides income for government
Rio Transport Effectiveness
Due to rising levels of car ownership, both ends of bridge are jammed during rush hours- major congestion
Line extension cost 2.6 billion pounds- could have been spent on improving living conditions for locals
Locals were delighted about safe bike-sharing technology- active travel and public health has increased
Traffic congestion in busy areas of city has reduced- viable alternative to using vehicles to travel
These efforts have increased productivity and a higher quality of life for residents in Rio
Fastest way to travel through densely built city as well as more frequent and cheaper than other transportation
It has reduced the amount of cars on the road, reducing congestion and pollution
Given it is a toll road, government didn’t have enough money to cover the cost of building it- less drivers as people won’t pay
Rio Housing Problems
Houses built with poor Building materials such as metal and scrap- makes them vulnerable to collapse
Limited space with multiple people sharing rooms- families living in cramped conditions increases spread of disease eg. cholera
Many residents don’t have legal titles to their homes- government can evict you at any time
Favelas are located on steep hillsides- exposed to land slides during heavy rainfall
Gang activity and frequent violence- difficult to live there due to lack of safety
Limited access to schools, hospitals and transportation- negatively impacts residents
Favelas are often physically and socially isolated from the rest of city- limits access to employment
Flammable materials and unsafe electrical wires- increases risk of spreadable fires
Rio Housing Strategies
Implemented programmes such as opening more schools for kids in the area to attend
Collaboration with non government organisations to provide additional resources for housing and community development
Urbanisation improves infrastructure by providing access to water, electricity, sewage systems and paved roads
Implementing the presence of police and reducing gang violence to improve safety and living conditions
Self-help schemes allow local people to use their skills by being provided materials such as bricks and cement by government
Legalising land provides residents with legal ownership of their homes to reduce eviction risk
New suburb of Rio was built to provide more housing for locals which helped overcrowding
Painting helped to improve the external image of favelas with local painters painting murals on the side of buildings
Rio Housing Effectiveness
Student performance increased and drop-out rate fell, as well as it helped to keep kids off the street
Strengthened community bonds by bringing a sense of unity and shared purpose among residents
Gentrification in favelas due to some upgrades which increased property values, is displacing poorer residents elsewhere
Decrease in gang-related violence and drug trafficking activities allowed greater freedom of movement within favelas
Whilst these schemes are cost effective as government pays for materials, building quality may be poor as it is DIY
Formalisation brought taxes and utility fees, which was hard to pay for some people- increased financial strain
Urban sprawl from the expansion into rural areas caused environmental degradation and habitat loss
Large-scale murals turned the grey areas into colourful areas, which were visually appealing to locals
Edinburgh Transport Problems
Edinburgh Transport Strategies
Edinburgh Transport Effectiveness
Edinburgh Housing Problems
Edinburgh Housing Strategies
Edinburgh Housing Effectiveness