2.3 Tanzania vs USA- Aspect 4 Flashcards
How are SDGs being implemented in Tanzania?
Tanzania Development Vision 2025
which was developed by the government in 2000.
To transform Tanzania into a middle income economy
It wants:
* high quality livelihood (food security, water access)
* peace, stability and unity
* good governance
* a well educated society
* a competitve economy.
It is supported by the UN, World Bank and NGOs
What does the TPSSN do?
- Allows pregnant women and children under 5 to get free healthcare and access to food and income
- Works towards SDGs 1 (No Poverty) and 3 (Good health and wellbeing)
- It has helped 1.1 million households reach almost 1,000 villages in Tanzania
- It has resulted in an increase in school enrolment and attendance
What does TPSSN stand for?
Tanzania Production Social Safety Net
How has the government been able to spend more on health and education?
They reduced their debt by 35% in 2003
Which SDGs are being helped by World Vision?
Safe water and sanitation, health, education
How many children are infected with the malaria parasite?
How did the mosquito nets help?
They reduced malaria cases by 50%
How many people used the mosquito nets?
Which programme aims to improve childhood nutrition?
Enrich programme
How does world vision help CHW?
They support 1,700 health workers with training, job aids, and transport. They increased home visits. Training was increased from 3 month to 1 year.
Growth of what crop is being encouraged?
Orange Sweet Potato (Kumara)
How many people are illiterate?
In Tanzania
Literacy rates between genders
73% Female
83% Male
By how much did World Vision improve access to sanitation in Budekwa?
Access to sanitation increased from 35% to 92%