23 moving populations and travelling waves Flashcards
23 moving pops and travelling waves we consider:
consider another example of reaction-diffusion equation,
nonlinear: Fisher’s equation for the spread of an
advantageous allele (1937) (still have diffusion, in 1D)
study the dynamics using phase-plane techniques(as non-linear we dont find explicit solution)
look for a travelling wave solution
find a critical minimal speed for a travelling wave
solution to exist (necessary condition)
By R. A. FISHER, Sc.D., F.R.S.
CONSIDER a population distributed in a linear habitat, such as a shore line, which it occupies with uniform density. If at any point of the habitat a mutation occurs, which happens to be in some degree, however slight, advantageous to survival, in the totality of its efferts, we may expect the mutant gene to increase at the expense of the allelomorph or allelomorphs previously occupying the same locus. This process will be first completed in the neighbour-hood of the occurrence of the mutation, and later, as the advantageous gene is diffused into the surrounding population, in the adjacent portions of its range. Supposing the range to be long compared with the distances separating the sites of offspring from those of their parents, there will be, advancing from the origin, a wave of increase in the gene frequency-
By R. A. FISHER, Sc.D., F.R.S.
CONSIDER a population distributed in a linear habitat, such as a shore line, which it occupies with uniform density. If at any point of the habitat a mutation occurs, which happens to be in some degree, however slight, advantageous to survival, in the totality of its efferts, we may expect the mutant gene to increase at the expense of the allelomorph or allelomorphs previously occupying the same locus. This process will be first completed in the neighbour-hood of the occurrence of the mutation, and later, as the advantageous gene is diffused into the surrounding population, in the adjacent portions of its range. Supposing the range to be long compared with the distances separating the sites of offspring from those of their parents,** there will be, advancing from the origin, a wave of increase in the gene frequency**-
Fisher equation assumptions
Assume that :
individuals move randomly in a one-dimensional domain, with diffusion coefficient D
allele A and B only; A is advantageous over B
replacement of allele B by A is proportional to the product of their respective frequencies (σ
F(x, t) = fraction of allele A, advantageous over allele B. Hence:
F(x, t) ∈ [0, 1]
1 − F(x, t) is the fraction of B
If F=1 pop is only allele A
If F=0 pop is only allele B
σ = selection intensity, so that replacement of B by A happens at rate σF(1 − F) assumed positive
we assume the advantageous gene is introduced from the left, diffuses through the population
What is the equation that governs the dynamics of F?
Fisher equation
F satisfies the equation
∂F(x, t)/∂t =
D∂²F(x, t)/∂x + σF(x, t)(1 − F(x, t))
x ∈ IR
σ = selection intensity,
∂F(x, t)/∂t =diffusion + replacement of B by A
Hence, the reaction term is a logistic growth
R(F) = σF(1 − F)
d(F)/dt = σF(1 − F)
Logistic growth without diffusion
d(F)/dt = σF(1 − F)
w/o diffusion solution F increases, bounded above by 1 for different initial conditions
has two steady states:
F~ = 0: only gene B present in the population
F~ = 1: only gene A present in the population
σ > 0: F~ = 1 is asymptotically stable
Without movement (no diffusion), each point in space where the frequency of gene A is initially positive, will tend towards replacement of all B’s by A. Every point with B only, will remain with B only.
F(x,t) against x
starts at 0 remains at 0 for all x
starts at 1 remains at 1 for all x
if some points of x only formed of allele B F=0 and some other points only A F=1 then no movements, wont be mixing the system
logistic growth with diffusion
if we perturb the system movement and gene A will increase due to advantage finally replacing B and equilibrium
If we have diffusion then part of pop with gene A will move randomly and end the regions where only B was present, fraction of A will grow and replace the whole pop
With diffusion, the constant solutions 0 and 1 (homogeneous in space) are still steady states, but what happen when we have
only A on one side, and only B on the other?
Diffusion mixes the genes at the boundary, and the advantageous gene A overtakes the region with gene B
logisitc growth with diffusion:
Travelling waves
We look for a travelling wave solution, i.e.,
F(x, t) = U(x − ct)
where c is the constant speed of the wave,
U is the shape of the wave, with special condition (wave profile which moves at a constant speed, respectively if we move at that speed its stationary imagine fixing a t then moving that image for another time t )
(invasion from left to right so c >0)
(F(x,t) plotted against space x, shifts to the right as time increases)
U(x)=F(x,0) profile at t=0 which moves
U(y) → 0 as y → +∞ (far right in space x to infinity, past time)
U(y) → 1 as y → −∞ (far left in spacex to -infinity, future time)
and U′(y) → 0 as y → ±∞
logistic growth with diffusion:
Travelling waves
Does this exist, and under what conditions?
;like SS,
if the initial conditions are exactly this travelling wave then the solution is exact
after infinite time will tend to this
if the initial condition is not exactly the travelling wave but is a pertubation of it then as time goes on it will smooth out and tend to this travellign wave as time goes on, it is a limiting constant
logistic growth with diffusion:
Travelling waves
Does this exist, and under what conditions?
Fisher eq
∂F(x, t)/∂t =
D∂²F(x, t)/∂x + σF(x, t)(1 − F(x, t))
unbounded 1d domain x in R
Let F(x, t) = U(x − ct), then:
∂F(x, t)/∂t = −cU′(x − ct)
from dU/dt x ∂y/∂t
∂²F(x, t)/∂x²= U′′(x − ct)
Hence U must satisfy the second-order ODE
−cU′ = DU′′ − σU(1 − U)
Scalar 2nd order non linear ODE
We can’t find sol so we do stability analysis in the long term
To do this we transfer it into a system of first order equations
travelling waves visually
ecological situation
invasion of species
random movement spreads as time goes on
imagine you have a population in 1D space with gene B
Gene A individuals enter through the left side boundary, as this is the advantageous their introduction diffuses through this boundary and replaces gene B from the left
for a fixed time
their distribution would decrease the further right you go, but over time this pop enters diffuses and replaces more and more until constant F=1
Using fisher we look for travelling wave sol
Hence U must satisfy the second-order ODE
−cU′ = DU′′ − σU(1 − U)
Scalar 2nd order non linear ODE
We can’t find sol so we do stability analysis in the long term
To do this we transfer it into a system of first order equations
Introduce new var v
U’ = V
-cV = DV’ - σU(1-U)
V’= -cV/D + σU(1-U)/D
Standard way to transform into first order eq we have a SYSTEM OF 2
And we can look at stability
Fisher eq looked for travelling wave sim and transformed ode
U’ = V
V’= -cV/D - σU(1-U)/D
SS V’= 0 and U’= 0
V= 0
-cV/D - σU(1-U)/D = 0
(U, V)
= (0, 0 )
U = 0 means F = 0 no gene A only gene B RHS of travelling wave
In the past
and (1, 0)
U=1 F=1
No gene B in the population only gene A LHS of the travelling wave
Future state
Fisher eq looked for travelling wave sim and transformed ode
U’ = V
V’= -cV/D - σU(1-U)/D
with U(y)=F(x,t)
= (0, 0 )
= (0, 1 )
Consider phase plane for U-V
SS marked
We are looking for a sol that starts in gene b only and ends in gene A only
But we consider the limits for y for past and future previously defined
Join a U shape under the U axis
From (0, 1 ) to (0, 0 ).
It is below because we want derivative U’(y) to be negative V(y)<0 so negative V axis part
We want (0, 1 ) to be unstable and (0, 0 ) to be stable as y tends to infinity
[0 1]
[{-σ +2σU}/D. -c/D]
Compute at SS
= (0, 1 )
[0 1]
[{-σ /D. -c/D]
Consider eq to find the eigenvalies
We have one root which is real and positive one real and negative
The SS is unstable
= (0, 0 )
We want this to be stable and this have eigen values with negative real part
[0 1]
[-σ/D. -c/D]
Trace -c/D <0
Det-c/D + σ/D
Positive if c> σ
Negative if c <σ
Eigen values could my complex and give a spiral
But for the sol to be biologically feasible we want
U(y) = F(x,t) > 0
Thus we need to have real eigenvalues
fishers look for travelling wave sol
We look for a travelling wave solution, i.e.,
F(x, t) = U(x − ct)
where c is the constant speed of the wave, U is the shape of the
wave, with special conditions (invasion from left to right)
U(y) → 0 as y → +∞ (i.e., x → +∞ or t → −∞)
U(y) → 1 as y → −∞ (i.e., x → −∞ or t → +∞)
and U′(y) → 0 as y → ±∞
F→ 1 as x → −∞
F→ 0 as x → +∞
Travelling wave
Plot of F(x, t) = U(x − ct) as time increases
F(x,t) against x
frequency 1 LHS x=-100
decreasesto RHS
RHS F(x,t)=0 x=100