14 stochastic processes in continuous time Flashcards
Stochastic processes in continuous time:intro
we consider two simple continuous-time stochastic (Markov) processes: first the simple death process, and then the simple birth process. These will pave the way to the
study of continuous-time birth-and-death processes in the next chapter.
The SIMPLE death process: assumptions
“linear death process”
some probabilities
The death process is a Markov process in continuous time in which the number of individuals in a population can only decrease in time.
Assume: initially N cells in the pop
cells may die only, new ones not made
Sample paths of death process Xᵢ decreases with t step pattern
each cell independently has a constant death rateµ > 0
if a cell is alive at time t, probability it dies in the
interval (t, t + ∆t) is µ∆t as ∆t → 0.
probability tat the cell survives in the interval is 1 − µ∆t
S(t)~ P(a cell, alive at t = 0, survives to time t)
S(t + ∆t) = S(t)(1 − µ∆t),
[S(t + ∆t) -S(t)]/∆t = −µS(t), with S(0) = 1
which in the continuous time limit∆t → 0 gives
**dS(t)/dt = −µS(t), with S(0) = 1 **
yielding S(t) = exp(−µt)
the time that the cell dies is a continuous RV with exponential distribution an mean 1/µ
The death process:
probability distribution
Xₜ ~#cells alive at time t
probability distribution {pₖ(t)}ₖ₌₀ ᴺ
pₖ(t) = P{Xₜ=k}
X₀ =N
p_N(0)=1 and p_{k>N}(0)=0 cells can only die and ~never exceed N
ALways reduction in #: sample paths like steps on stairs
The death process:
deriving ODE
each cell independently constant death rate µ > 0
*If a cell is alive at time t the probability that it dies in the interval (t, t + ∆t) is µ∆t as ∆t → 0
*probability that the cell survives in the interval (t, t + ∆t) is 1 − µ∆t
*S(t) probabilty a cell alive at t=0 survives to time t then S(t + ∆t) = S(t)(1 − µ∆t)
or (S(t + ∆t) − S(t))/∆t
= −µS(t), with S(0) = 1
which in the continuous-time limit ∆t → 0 gives
dS(t)/dt = −µS(t) with S(0) = 1, yielding S(t) = exp(−µt)
** time that the cell dies is a continuous random variable with an exponential distribution and mean 1/µ**
The death process:
looking at whole population of cells
probability that n cells survive up to time t
p_N (t) = exp(−Nµt)
comes from n products
p_1(t) = P {one cell survives to time t} = S(t) = exp(−µt)
P{1 cell is dead at time t} = 1 − S(t)
= 1 − p1(t) = 1 − exp(−µt)
The death process:
looking at whole population of cells
With X_0 = N, the probability that one cell has died and N − 1 are still alive at time t is
pN−1(t) =
Nexp−(N−1)µt) (1 − exp(−µt))
N ways to pick one cell for death
The death process:
looking at whole population of cells
With X_0 = N, the probability that one cell has died and N − 2 are still alive at time t is
p_{N−2}(t) =
N(N − 1)/2
** exp(−(N−2)µt)** (1 − exp(−µt)^2
The death process:
looking at whole population of cells
Assuming that X_0 = N, the probability that j ≤ N cells have died and N − j are
still alive at time t is
pN−j (t) = N!/j!(N − j)! x
exp(−(N−j)µt) (1 − exp(−µt))^j
We can say that the number of cells alive at time t has a binomial distribution Xt ∼Bin(N, q) with parameters N and q ≡ e−µt,
clearly probability conservation:
sum j=0 to N P_{N-j} = 1
The death process:
looking at whole population of cells
extinction probability
setting j = N that the probability that N cells
have died at time t is
p_0(t) = (1 − e−µt)^N
which is the extinction probability at time t in the death process with N initial cells (X0 = N).
Clearly limt→∞ p_0(t) = 1 simply says that in the death process the eventual extinction of the
population is certain.
An alternative way to find the pk(t) is by using the differential equations
The death process:
looking at whole population of cells
An alternative way to find the pk(t) is by using the differential equations
for 0 ≤ k < N,
dpₖ(t)/dt = -kµpₖ(t) + (k+1)µpₖ₊₁(t)
loss term-gain term (master
-Nµp_N (t),
with p_k=N (0) = 0 and p_N (0) = 1
The death process:
looking at whole population of cells
for 0 ≤ k < N,
dpₖ(t)/dt = -kµpₖ(t) + (k+1)µpₖ₊₁(t)
loss term-gain term
The loss term −kµpₖ says that a population with k cells (state k) can be left at rate kµ at which one of the k cells dies (leading to a state
k −1).
This is balanced by the gain term (k + 1)µpₖ₊₁ saying that the state k can be reached from state k + 1 after the death of a cell at rate (k + 1)µ.
Since we are dealing with a death process the number of cells can never exceed N, and hence
there is only a loss term contributing to dp_N/dt
death process
-Nµp_N (t),
can be solved to obtain
using k=N-1 obtain dp_{N-1}/dt solved to get p_{N-1}(t)
we could focus on mean behaviour instead
x(t)=E(X_t) = sum k=1 to infinity of [kpₖ(t)]
dx(t)/dt =sum k=1 to N of
[ k dpₖ(t)/dt]
since x(0)=E(X_0)=N we have
death process:
extinction time
extinction times
probability of extinction at time t
Let T be the extinction time, defined as
T = {first time that X_t is 0}.
T is a continuous RV on the state space S=[0,∞] s.t t T ≤ t if
and only if X_t = 0
The probability of extinction at time t is: p_0(t) = (1−exp(−µt))ᴺ
cumulative distribution function of T:
P {T ≤ t} = P {X_t = 0}
= p_0(t) = (1 − e(−µt))ᴺ
says how probability to go extinct up to time t accumulates
P {T ≤ 0} = p_0(0) = 0,
P{T ∈ [0,∞)} = p_0(∞) = 1,
the probability that
the population goes extinct between t_1 and t_2 ≥ t1 is
P{t1 ≤ T ≤ t2} = P{T ≤ t_2} − P{T ≤ t_1} = p_0(t_2) − p_0(t_1)
death process
Thus, by definition, the probability density of the extinction time, T, is
ρ(t) =dP {T ≤ t}/dt
= µNe{⁻µᵗ}(1 − exp(−µt))ᴺ⁻¹
This clearly implies
P{T≤ t} = p₀(t)
= ∫₀ᵗ ρ(τ )dτ
and P {t₁ ≤ T ≤ t₂} =
∫ₜ_₁ ᵗ-² ρ(t)dt =
p₀ (t₂)−p₀(t₁)
graph of cumulative distribution p₀(t) upper bound at 1
simple death process calculating the mean extinction time
The mean extinction time can be computed from the density function
ρ(t) =dP {T ≤ t}/dt
= µNe{⁻µᵗ}(1 − exp(−µt))ᴺ⁻¹
∫₀∞ tρ(t)dt =
µN ∫₀∞ t exp(−µt) (1− exp(−µt) ᴺ⁻¹ dt
by integrating by parts: compute µE(T) for the first few N: µE(T) grows logarithmically with N
E(T) ≈1/µ ln N when N → ∞
t against E(T) graph peaks then decreases