17 brownian Motion and diffusion equation in one spatial dimension Flashcards
We consider partial derivatives for example because
e.g. we are considering interactions wrt space F(x,t)
deriv wrt to one variable
Standard brownian motion
is a set of positions {X_t}t≥0 that form a continuous path
(continuous time and space limit of a randon walk)
The increment ∆X = X_{t+∆t} − Xₜ
is a Gaussian random
variable with mean zero and variance proportional to ∆t,
(larger time larger variance further you can get)
(random walk equally likely)
and specifically
E(∆X) = 0,
var(∆X) = 2D∆t,
where D is the diffusivity or diffusion coefficient
Why is diffusion equation nice? for the real line
smoothing property- even if start with an irregular initial function where all of the mass is concentrated on x_0 as soon as you let the system run (t>0) we get a nice guassian distribution as a normal around x_0
left and right for individuals
for any time t we find individuals anywhere on the line (positive probability)
no loss of mas:
δ means
∫-∞, ∞ δ(y − y₀).dy=1 means
∫-∞, ∞p(x,t).dt=1
mass distributes on the real line
Random walk
One dim random walk, Markov chain state space is the integers and only transitions to neighbouring states
if X_n = k
then X_{n+1)=k
X_{n+1} = k+1
or X_{n+1}=k-1
consider one where the prob of making a jump to the right is p and a jump to the left is 1-p
random walk with prob p=0.5
Brownian motion using general
Example of a continuous Markov process (MP if we know probability at current time step the next only dep on this not prev history)
Consider a random walk, left or right by ∆x.
P(of finding X(t+∆t)∈ [x, x + ∆x]]
= p( x, t+∆t)∆x = sum of
1) The probability that X(t) ∈ [x − ∆x, x] and there is a jump to the right at time t occurs with probability p(x − ∆x, t)∆x/2;
(2) the probability that X(t) ∈ [x + ∆x, x + 2∆x] and there is a jump to the left at time t. This occurs with a probability p(x + ∆x, t)∆x/2.
pdf of the wiener process/ brownian motion on R
pdf of Xₜ for an initial concentration:
we require an initial bc p(x,0)=p_0(x)
for initial concentration p(x,0)=δ(x − x₀)
solution is
p(x,t) =
( 1/√{4πDt}) * exp (-[(x−x₀)²]/[4Dt]
We see that the pdf of this satisfies the diffusion equation of partial derivatives
and we have seen the sol on the real line, and finite lin [0,L]
pdf of the wiener process/ brownian motion on R
How to find
solution p(x,t) on the real line (infinite(
use the fourier transform of the function/variable p
p~(k,t) = F(p)(k) =
(1/√{2π}) ∫₀ ∞ p(x,t) exp(ikx) . dx
Fourier transform both sides of the diffusion partal derivs eq of this
(∂/∂t)p~(k,t) = -k²Dp~(k,t)
(linear PDE in one var)
p~(k,t) =p~(k,o)exp(-k²Dt)
then inverse fourier transform this to find
p(x,t) =
( 1/√{4πDt}) *
∫-∞, ∞ p₀(y)* exp (-[(x−y²]/[4Dt] .dy
(p₀(y) is initial condition)
if we assume all particles at x_0
then δ (x-x
then we get the fundamenental sol given (fundamental sol means all particles iniitally at some point)
pdf of the wiener process/ brownian motion on R
what is the difference between sol on R line and on interval [0,L]
can use fourier as can int from -inf to inf for real line,
require BCs absorbing/reflecting for the interval
that one is solved by assuming p is seperable we then need to use the diffusion eq and solve the two odes
pdf of the wiener process/ brownian motion on R
solution p(x,t) on the finite interval [0,L]
What kind of conditions?
different as we need to prescribe boundary conditions
we can have two possibilities
Absorbing or reflecting boundaries (L5 mixed)
p(0,t)=p(L,t) = 0 (DIRICHLET HOMOGENEOUS) (prescribing value of funct at end point, homogeneous as value is 0)
∂p(0,t)/∂x = ∂P(L,t)/∂x (NEUMANN HOMOGENEOUS) (prescribing derivative of the two end points )
pdf of the wiener process/ brownian motion on R
solution p(x,t) on the finite interval [0,L] with given condition
How do we go about it?
also reviews in L5
we don’t use fourier transform as cant integrate from -inf to inf
so we solve by
step 1 Assume function is seperable
use in diffusion equation
FG* = DGF’’
G*/DG = F’‘/F =-λ constant λ>0
step 2 solve seperately the differential eq for G and for F
G gives exp sol
F is 2nd order and thus sol is linear combo of sin and cos
G(t) = G_0(0)exp(-λtD)
F(t)=asin(√λ x) + bcos (√λ x)
a and b determined by BCs
infinite values of:
√λₙ = (nπ/L)
giving a family of values
Step 3
superposition principle gives the general solution(is given by the sum of all from the family)
p(t,x) = Σ_[n=0,..∞]
aₙ sin(√λₙ x) + bₙ cos(√λₙ x)]C_n
C_n determined by initial condition
boundary conditions determine a and b
fundamental solution of the n-dimensional diffusion
∂p(x, t)/
= D∇²p(x, t)
= Σᵢ ∂²p(x, t)/∂xᵢ²
pdf of the wiener process/ brownian motion on R
solution p(x,t) on the finite interval [0,L] with given condition
G(t) = G_0(0)exp(-λtD)
F(t)=asin(√λ x) + bcos (√λ x)
how do the different absorbing reflecting conditions change?
a and b are determined by BCs
absorbing:p(0,t)=p(L,t) = 0
means b=0 for all family of sines from a_n
∂p(0,t)/∂x = ∂P(L,t)/∂x
means a=0 left with family of cosines
family as infinite values of lambda: SHOULD ALWAYS START FROM 0 for both
how do the different absorbing reflecting conditions affect over a long period of time
absorbing:p(0,t)=p(L,t) = 0
means b=0 for all family of sines from a_n
removing ants
(as we remove walkers the solution tends to 0 as t goes to infinity, as we are losing mass in the system)
can be seen as all terms have exp(-) so tends to 0
∂p(0,t)/∂x = ∂P(L,t)/∂x
means a=0 left with family of cosines
we still have exp(-) but we have a leading term not dep on time b_0/2 so no loss of mass
(mass remains in this system)
Brownian motion using p= 1/2
Example of a continuous Markov process (MP if we know probability at current time step the next only dep on this not prev history)
Consider a random walk, left or right by ∆x.
P(of finding X(t+∆t)∈ [x, x + ∆x]]
= p( x, t+∆t)∆x =
p( x, t+∆t)=
0.5p(x-∆x ,t) + 0.5p(x+∆x,t)
(transition to x from x-∆x with prob 0.5) +(transition to x from x+∆x with prob 0.5)
To consider the continuous time and space limit of the random walk, we let ∆x and ∆t → 0,
and Taylor-expand both sides of Eq.
p( x, t+∆t)=
0.5p(x-∆x ,t) + 0.5p(x+∆x,t)
** important result about the
diffusion equation of Brownian motion as a suitable continuum limit (∆t → 0 and ∆x → 0)
of the random walk**
Using Taylor series on both sides
p(x,t) + ∆t∂/∂t p(x,t) +(1/2∂^2/∂t^2)p(x,t) +…
0.5[p(x,t) -∆x∂/∂xp(x,t) + 0.5∆t^2∂^2/∂x^2p(x,t) ]
+ 0.5[p(x,t) + ∆x∂/∂xp(x,t) + 0.5∆t^2∂^2/∂x^2p(x,t) ]
so we have
(∂/∂t) p(x,t)+…. =(∆x²/2∆t)* (∂²/∂x²) p(x,t)+…..
if both ∆x and ∆t are small but ∆t proportional to ∆x² we can write
D= ∆x²/2∆t
(∂/∂t) p(x,t)+…. =D(∂²/∂x²) p(x,t)
a solution is p(x,t)=
(4piDt)^-0.5 * EXP(- (x-x_0)^2/4Dt)
thinking about how far a particle moves in an interval
∆x not discrete
P {∆x1 ≤ ∆x ≤ ∆x2}
we describe in terms of probability density function
P {∆x_1 ≤ ∆x ≤ ∆x_2} = ∫[∆x_1,∆x_2] w(y).dy
The function satisfies as pdf:
∫[-∞,∞] w(y).dy = 1
assumption equally likely left and right w(-y) = w(y) is used also to cancel out
Einstein and the diffusion equation
With the defn of the diffusion coefficient
D= (1/2∆t)* ∫_[-∞,∞] y²w.dy
diffusion equation
∂f/∂t= D ∂²f/∂x²
found by:
f (x, t + ∆t) = ∫_[-∞,∞] f(x-y,t)w(y).dy
using taylor expansion on both sides with partial deriv:
f (x, t + ∆t) = f(x,t) + (∂f/∂t)(x,t)∆t+…
f(x-y,t) = f(x,t) - (∂f/∂t)(x,t)y + (1/2)(∂²f/∂x²)y+…..
then using ∫[-∞,∞] w(y).dy = 1 and ∫[-∞,∞] yw(y).dy = 0
Stochastic processes
A stochastic process is a series of random variables labelledby time. The value of the process at time t is a random variable thatwe write Xt
When time is continuous (t is a real number) we say that X is a continuous-time stochastic process. One realization of a stochastic process is a sample path. When we can draw these paths without lifting the pen from the paper, we say that the stochastic process has continuous paths
The fundamental stochastic process in continuous space andtime is standard Brownian motion, or the Wiener process.The position at time t is the random variable denoted Wt
It is a Markov process with the property that, no matter how small ∆t is,W_{t+∆t} − W_t has a Gaussian distribution with mean zero and variance ∆t,and is independent of the value of W_t
if f(x,t) is the probability density function of W_t then
∂/∂t (f (x, t)) = (1/2)∂^2/∂x^2) f (x, t)
mean is always 0?