2.3 Analyze Code, Regulations, and Permitting Requirements for Design Impact Flashcards
Four ways municipalities try to protect the public health, safety, and welfare?
- ) Public investment (ex. transportation, open spaces)
- ) Regulations (ex. zoning and subdivision ordinances)
- ) Incentives and disincentives (ex. preferential taxation and zoning bonuses)
- ) Land suse planning (ex. comprehensive and capital improvements plans)
Zoning regulations address three sets of issues within each zone. Those are:
- ) Permitted use of land and buildings: General use categories include residential, commercial, and industrial.
- ) Intensity of use: ex. dwelling unit density, minimum lot sizes, FAR
- ) Height, bulk, and other dimensional standards: Portion of the lot that can be occupied the building
This may be requested if, due to unusual circumstances, compliance with the zoning requirements would pose a hardship on the landowner
This may be permitted with a conditional use permit
Nonconforming use
This may impose additional development standards, or may allow greater flexibility in the interpretation of the existing zoning standards. Example - design options are restricted in historic districts to promote the preservation and restoration of buildings with historical significance
Zoning Overlay Districts
Records the legal boundaries of individual parcels, public easements, streets, and streets of rights-of-way. Upon approval, this records the local register of deeds.
Final Plat Records
Attempt to eliminate the arbitrary distinctions between the regulation of the subdivisions and other forms of development. Applies to all development proposals, whether or not they require the subdivision of land parcels. Gives a clearer picture of what is being proposed on site
Unified Development Code