221 Flashcards
Vehicle checkpoint CO concerned :
Establish vehicle checkpoint for the primary purpose of a DWI check or vehicle safety check, vehicle checkpoint for all other purpose other than in emergency situations circumstances can not be conducted w/o prior written approval from the Deputy Commissioner of Legal Matter.
Prepare vehicle checkpoint form
Ensure that vehicle checkpoint from is attached to the interior right side of a legal Manila folder.
Give the directive and file folder to the supervisor in charge of the checkpoint and discuss tactics and safety concerns.
Ensure that safety equipment is utilized when warranted and ordered from the quartermaster section, when necessary.
CO of UMOS involved in pursuit:
Determine and take appropriate disciplinary action (CD, charges and spec, etc) and notify borough safety officer.
Have a copy of all reports prepared placed in personal folder of members involved
CO PCT originating pursuit:
Review and endorse patrol supervisor’s report (include statements regarding disciplinary action) and have copies forwarded : personnel safety officer desk, borough safety officer, CO of MOS involved in pursuit.
If pursuit is initiated by other than PSB personnel the immediate supervisor of these officers will perform the duties of patrol supervisor
UMOS secondary vehicle : acknowledge assignment as secondary vehicle
a) allow at least (5) car lengths distance from primary vehicle
B) do not pass primary vehicle unless requested by that unit or if other circumstances exits such as a collision, mechanical malfunction
CO PCT originating pursuit
Review and endorse patrol supervisor’s report (include statements regarding disciplinary action and have copies forwarded as follows:
A) personnel safety desk (original copy through channels )
B) borough safety officer
C) commanding officer of members involved in pursuit (attach supervisor’s CD if prepared)
D) Risk Management Bureau attn: early intervention program, if required
Note: in cases that don’t warrant discipline the CO Pct originating pursuit my find a referral to risk management bureau beneficial ( incidents where member use poor judgement )
Use of Dept canine teams-Duty Captain concerned
Investigate any incident of physical injury by canine..a) comply with 221-03 reporting and investigation of force incidents or injury to persons during police action.
Ensure immediate notifications are made to canine supervisor coordinator after any canine incidents.
Prepare report on typed letterhead detailing tactical use of canine teams within the command and maintain appropriate records.
Forward copy reports to canine coordinator through the office of the Chief of Special Operations.
Note: The Pct CO or duty capt assigned will supervise the preparation of written reports of canine incidents resulting in injuries to anyone other than the handler
Confrontation situations-CHALLENGING OFFICER
Request the response of patrol supervisor Pct of occurrence and supervisor of the on duty MOS confronted
Responding supervisor: have members involved report to station house of Pct of occurrence
A) direct members involved to report to the office of the CO of the Department building facility where confrontation occurred, if appropriate.
Confrontation situation-CO/DEPT BUILDING/FACILITY:
Determine duty status of members involved. Confer with CO of both on and off duty members involved, conduct joint investigation and file joint report.
CO preparing report: interview members involved interview supervisory officers and witnesses, if appropriate.
Telephone facts to the Equal Employment Division during business hours or the next business day Mon-Fri 0800 and 1800 hour. If during non business hours leave message on answering machine and an EEOD representative will contact caller.
Obtain EEOD case number.
Confer with personnel officer and or personnel assigned to Family Assistance Section.
Prepare report and include:
EEOD case number in subject
Details of incident
Results of interviews with all parties involved
Statements from how problem was resolved
Analysis and review of confrontation
Summary of weakness and corrective measures taken
Forward copy of report to:
A) EEOD direct
B) Commanding officer of each member involved
Commanding officer member involved: inform member involved of results of investigation and counsel members on weakness and corrective measures taken
Request person to give exact location of identification and product ID, slowly in a controlled manner, if person states he/she is a police officer.
Examine credentials to insure:
A) validity
B) Photo and description (if any) fits individual
Remain alert until you are completely out satisfied as to the person’s identity
Return credentials if satisfied with identification make digital activity log entry
Request the response of the patrol supervisor Pct of occurrence and supervisory officer of the on duty MOS confronted.
Threats against MOS
If biological evidence appears to be present item should be placed into a paper envelope or other suitable paper container. Do not write in the container AFTER the evidence or item has been placed therein.
If threatened member is off duty at the time of threat the threatened member will be directed to contact Pct Det Squad concerned as soon as possible and INTEL bureau Criminal Intelligence Section immediately (available 24 hours a day) for debriefing and assessment of threat precautions to be implemented, if necessary.
Threat against MOS-ADD DATA
In all cases recommendations regarding security measures are to implemented by the CO of members concerned and the CO of the residence Pct of member concerned, as appropriate. After conferral with the patrol borough commander counterpart and the CO Intelligence Bureau or as directed by higher authority.
On duty enforcement activities- Pct of assignment regardless of the location of origin or receipt of the threat
Off duty conduct and residence is in NYC- NYC PCT of residence
Off duty conduct and residence is o/s NYC- NYC PCT from where the threat originates/received (origination take tip priority)
Off duty conduct residence and complaint is o/s NYC (received or originates )- Intel Bureau PSS will be responsible for monitoring investigation conducted by PD agency
Threat against UMOS
Supervisory member:
Have threatened UMOS notified of occurrence if threatened member is not receiving member.
Direct all involved persons to remain at scene or report to station house debriefing.
Direct preparation of complaint report and refer report if necessary
A) do not include information regarding the identity and residence of the threatened UMOS in the complaint report.
Mark complaint report as “OPEN” in all cases and refer to Pct detective squad for further investigation.
Notify the following:
CO/Duty Capt
Prepare typed letterhead report addressed to Chief of Department
Respond to scene and review actions taken by the school safety supervisor
Notifying the Ops Unit promptly of the MOS injured requires hospital treatment
A) an additional notification to the Ops unit is also required before final reports are prepared t o update operations of the status of the injured MOS.
Prepare TRI if HARM against SSA report
Report details to THE DESK OFFICER
A) indicate any negligence on the part of the SSA
Prepare report on TYPED LETTERHEAD and forward to Pct CO
A) FORWARD copy of report tO THE CO school safety Division
Make command log entry results of investigation and specify ;
A) whether injury was sustained in the line of duty
B) any negligence on the part of the School Safety Agent
Notify ESO
NCO SGT will determine probable cause SSA will make the arrest if she/he has peace officer status. If SSA unable to effect the arrest (eg hospitalization ) NCO SGT will direct another SSA to effect the arrest
EDP radio codes
Finalize EDP radio run using the appropriate radio code in the following instances :
10-97E3- ESU assisted in removing EDP
10-97E4-voluntary surrender to ESU or hostage negotiation TEAM
10-97E5-ESU removal less than lethal used
When EDP is isolated/continued but will not leave voluntarily
Patrol supervisor
Uses crisis intervention (CIT) trained members as contact officers when appropriate and available
A) if a non CIT trained officer has established a rapport with the subject allow that office to continue communicating in those situations CIT trained officers can support the non CIT trained officer when necessary.
Take no additional action w/o authorization of CO OR DUTY CAPT at scene if EPD is contained poses no immediate threat of danger to any person .
Desk officer :
Notify operations unit and patrol borough command of facts.
Commanding officer : assume command including firearms control confer with ranking ESU supervisor on scene and discuss plans and tactics to be utilized direct whatever further action is necessary including use of negotiators.
Direct use of alternate means of restrains, if appropriate according to circumstances.
Provide persons who voluntarily seek psychiatric treatment with an NYC WELL PALM CARD
Training sgt and or Ops Coord will maintain an updated list at the desk of members assigned to their command who are CIT trained. This list must be updated on a weekly basis.
Desk office will be responsible for ensuring this list is maintained at the desk at all times.
Only the ranking patrol duty commander ( patrol borough commander/ duty inspector/ duty capt ) has the authority to cancel the services of the HNT and TARU via the communications dispatcher. The communications dispatcher is NOT authorized to cancel the services of the aforementioned consent of the ranking duty incident commander on the scene.
221-03 reporting and investigation of force incident or injury to persons during police action
Commanding officer duties
Review reports from command training Sgt for creative or innovative approaches tactics to improve safety or better resolve use of force incidents. Submit report with recommendations to the training Bureau for consideration and possible adaptation into the Department training curriculum.
221-03 reporting and investigation of use of force
Training Sgt
Review all TRI incident and TRI interaction reports for command. Identify recommendations from the immediate supervisor for creative or innovative approaches/tactics to improve safety or better resolve use of force incidents.
A) submit recommendations on a report on typed letterhead to PCT/PSA/TD commanding officer, including all TRI incidents numbers corresponding to recommendations concerned.
221-03 reporting and investigating use of force
Add data
Add data: if video of incident is identified it should be retrieved and invoiced as investigatory evidence. Immediate/investigating supervisor identifies video evidence but is unable to retrieve it w/o risk of corruption that supervisor should request the bough/bureau investigations unit to assist
If video is available but nor accessible at time of investigation the borough/bureau investigation unit will be immediately noticed.
The notifying supervisor will inform the Borough/Bureau investigation unit of the location of video and when the earlier opportunity to retrieve it will be.