208 Flashcards
A hard copy of the NYS DIR will not be prepared for unfounded domestic violence incidents occurring within NYC and will be directly entered into FORMS.
DESK OFFICER: DESIGNATE MOS to enter information from the hard copy of NYS DIR into FORMS if prepared to incidents occurring within NYC
Forward all copies of NYS DIR for incidents occurring within NYC to the command’s Domestic Violence Sergeant.
DV Sgt: review and compare hard copy if prepared to electronic copy of NYS DIR occurring within NYC AND ADDREss discrepancies as necessary.
Review and update all cases in ECMS DVIMS for incidents occurring within NYC as appropriate.
Arrest-Religious Head Covering (A/O)
A/O : Inform prisoner wearing a religious covering that it must be temporarily removed and searched.
A) Advise prisoner that removed and search will be conducted in private and that search will conducted by MOS OF THE SAME GENDER. Perform thorough search for weapon and contraband
B) Use tactical hand-held metal detector, if available and as appropriate. Do not remove religious head covering for SAFEKEEPING unless:
There is an articulable reason, based on articulable facts then known to the a/o to believe it is likely to be dangerous to life, can be used to harm self or can be used to harm others and permission has been obtained from Desk Officer to retain the head covering when consisting with personal safety and the safety of the prisoner.
Arrest- Religious Head Covering (Desk Officer/Note)
Desk Officer :
Approve/disapprove removal and retention of religious head covering for safekeeping or evidence purposes.
Provide a temporary head covering to prisoner when removing and retaining head covering for safekeeping or evidence purposes, if necessary.
Make a Command Log Entry indicating reason(s) for removal and retention of religious head covering if removal for safekeeping or removal was disapproved.
NOTE: if an uncovered photographs must be taken the prisoner must be transported to the appropriate Borough Court Section where the photograph will be taken in a private area by MOS of same gender. Uncovered photographs WILL NOT BE TAKEN at the command of arrest.
Arrest-Religious Head Covering # 3
Desk officer: notify Borough Court Section supervisor if an uncovered photograph must be taken.
A) inform Borough Court Section of gender of prisoner in order to have MOS of same gender available to take the photograph make a command log entry noting the reason fo the uncovered photograph and the name of the Borough Court Section supervisor notified.
Direct arresting/escorting officer to transport prisoner to Borough Court Section as necessary for completion of arrest processing
Add Data: any questions or request for additional guidance concerning religious head covering will be directed to the Legal Bureau. MOS may seek the help of clergy or an interpreter if appropriate to help the prisoner understated the need to remove their religious head covering.
DAT-Disqualifying factors
Add Data: Defendants charged solely with violating VTL 1192 driving while ability impaired ( DWAI) shall be issued a DAT unless another DAT disqualifying factor exits or upon committing the offense the defendant :
A) has been convicted two or more time within the preceding 10 years of any violation of VTL 1192
B) Was operating a School bus carrying at least (1) passenger
C) Was operating taxicab or livery and carrying a passenger for compensation
D) was operating a truck with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 18,000 pounds but not more than 26,000 pounds and the truck is not commercial vehicle.
E) Was operating a motor vehicle with a gross weight of more than 18,000 pounds containing flammable gas, radiation material, explosives
F) Was operating a commercial motor vehicle or any registered or registrable under VTL 401 (7) (F)
Bribery arrest by UMOS
LT PLATOON COMMANDER: Notify Pct commander, Duty Captain, who will review actions taken by the Pct Platoon Commander.
ICO member concerned: Ascertain the following information through Borough Court Section after prisoner has arraigned. Enter additional information by endorsement on remaining copies of report of arrest held at desk.
Forward copies of report as follows :
First copy direct to Chief of Department
Second copy direct to Deputy Commissioner of IAB
Third copy to the Chief of Department, through channels
Fourth copy to CO of arresting officer
Fight copy- file
Bribery arrest by UMOS
Desk officer will confer with legal bureau for :
1) Legality in doubt
2) Legal assistance required
3) Immediate Legal assistance is required
Note: If legal Bureau is closed call operations unit to arrange a consultation with Department Attorney.
Notify IAB command center and Platoon Commander
Lt Platoon Commander : Interview a/o prepare (7) copies of report of arrest on typed letterhead addressed to Chief of Department forward original copy of report direct to Chief of Department via Department mail. Fax copy of report of arrest to IAB, COMMAND CENTER. Remain copies at the desk.
Bribery arrest by UMOS (CO MEMBER CONCERNED)
Prepare a consolidation report on typed letterhead upon receipt of final disposition and include a complete history of case and court appearances for :
Police Commissioner
Chief of Department
Deputy Commissioner of Internal Affairs
When an ADA refuses to charge bribery in the complaint :
A/O : notify the Pct commander/duty capt
Notify IAB command center of results
Deliver DP letter to Commanding officer
Bribery arrest by UMOS ( CASE DP)
Review DP report
A) sign rear of DP report signifying inspection
B) Have DP filed with OBLS arrest worksheet in member’s command
Prepare DP arrest case report, if necessary
Add Data: A commanding officer who believes a subordinate member of their command has participated in an act reflecting high integrity that deserves recognition will forward (3) copies of a report describing all the facts. Including results to the integrity Review Board, Through the Personnel Bureau.
Photographable offenses
11 years old or older- charged with A or B Felony
13 years old or older- any Felony
Photos may be taken if the arresting/assisting officer is unable to ascertain prisoner’s identify, if officer reasonably suspects that the identity given by the prisoner is not accurate or if the officer reasonably suspects that the person is wanted you another law enforcement officer or agency for commission of another offense.
Juvenile offender (C MARK CABS)
Juvenile offender: a person lees than 16 years old taken into custody and charged with any of the following felonies;
13,14, 15 years of age charged with murder 2nd sub 1 and 2
14 and 15 years of age charged with murder 2nd sub 3
14,15 charged with
Assault 1 sub 1 and 2
Manslaughter1 (attempted murder)
Rape 1 sub 1 and 2
Criminal sexual act 1st degree sub 1 and 2
Kidnapping 1 (attempt)
Burglary 1 and 2
Arson 1 and 2
Robbery 1 and 2 sub 2
CPW 2nd degree section 265.03 offense on School grounds
Arrest by MOS outside the City
Duty Capt: respond to location within residence county and conduct investigation. Prepare unusual occurrence Report. LODI and accident report-city involved if required
Note; the operation unit will based upon circumstances determine if a duty capt will respond to an incident involving an arrest effected by a UMOS outside the residence counties.
A/O’s Commanding OFFICER; direct desk officer t make entry in the telephone record concerning notification of incident from operations unit.
Commanding officer concerned: prepare detailed report of incident for Chief of Department notify IAB if investigation other than relation to sickness or injury required
Chief of Department direct (2 copies )
Chief of Personnel (1 copy)
Each intermediate command
File one copy
Family offenses #1
The patrol supervisor apprise the parties of the availability of counseling
Note: the commanding officer/duty captain will be requested when:
-Doubt as to who is the offender and who is the victim
-Cross complainant situation
-MOS is a victim (patrol supervisor notifies)
MOS alleged to have committed an offense Desk officer notifes
Duty capt: respond ensure appropriate action is taken and apprise parties of the availability of counseling when MOS is a victim of an incident that occurred within NYC
Desk officer- family offenses
Desk officer prepare typed letterhead in all cases. Forward with copy of compliant report and NYS in a sealed envelope as follows:
A) Deputy Commissioner, IAB (ORIGINAL DIR)
B) CO MOS involved
C) CO Pct of occurrence maintain in confidential file
D) CO Borough investigation unit concerned
E) CO Borough Investigation unit covering member ‘s command
Commanding officer
-Medical Division
-Employee Resources section (immediately by fax)
-Personnel orders Division, if firearms removed
Family offenses DV related/UMOS
If MOS is alleged to have committed an offense patrol supervisor direct that a 61 worksheet be prepared. Notify Desk Officer
Desk officer: notify precinct commander/duty capt notify IAB CC and obtain log # enter in DIR RESULTS of investigation and basis of action taken-enter IAB log # in details of complaint report.
Prepare report on typed letterhead in all cases even if offender was not present. Provide details of incident and include domestic violence referrals/counseling offered to the victim.
Family offenses UMOS- CO MOS INVOLVED
Review and maintain a confidential file of all reports regarding MOS involved in domestic incidents
A) confer with IAB or investigation unit concerned regarding status of ongoing investigation.
Note: incidents involving MOS OUTSIDE NYC the duty Capt shall respond to the location if within residence counties. Prior to interviewing parties, the duty capt shall confer with local jurisdiction law enforcement agency to ensure the interviews will not compromise the integrity of any criminal investigation all decision concerning the initial investigation of the allegation remain the responsibility of the Duty Capt.
Photographable offenses
Adult prisoner if charged with :
Misdemeanor as defined in Penal Law
Misdemeanor defined outside Penal Law which would constitute a Felony if such person was previously convicted of a crime
A) Adolescent offender: person 16 or 17 years of age taken into custody for any felony
B) Juvenile offender: a person less than 16 taken into custody and charged with MARK C ABRAMS
The use of a bilingual employee of the language initiative program is the preferential method of interaction when interacting with a prisoner it is recommended that certified members of the language initiative program be used for custody interrogations.
Note: before questioning juveniles both juvenile and parent/guardian must read Miranda warnings by utilizing Miranda warnings for juvenile interrogations. The reading of Miranda warnings must be recorded on BWC or other recording devices.
Right of persons taken into custody
DO/supervisor concerned: inform prisoner of presence of attorney and ask if he wants to see the Attorney
Note: if an attorney states that he represents a prisoner but does not know the identity of the prisoner he will not be permitted to interview them.
If a request is received from an attorney seeking the location of a client who has been arrested and is in custody of this Department.
MOS concerned record contents of message in telephone record including; time, name , address and phone number if attorney name of person arrested and any other facts which may assist in locating prisoner.