2.2 Pharmacology - Basic Concepts/Processes Flashcards
Overview of Medication
Medication/drugs alter chemistry in the body.
Most of these changes occur at a cellular level.
When cells receive drugs, they ensure that these drugs are delivered to the appropriate part of the body.
Drug Transport
Drugs used for systemic effects travel and interact through cell membranes.
Gated Channels - Drugs can move through gated channels that regulate movement of ions inside and out of a cell. They open and close in response to neurotransmitters, change in pressure, etc.
Carrier Proteins - Proteins found in a cell membrane attach to drug molecules and move them into the cell
Lipid Bilayer - Contains double layer of polarized phospholipids and phosphate ends. Phosphate end only allows water soluble (hydrophilic) substances. Lipid end only allows Lipid Soluble substances (hydrophobic). Polarity determines if drug can enter lipid bilayer. Most water soluble drugs cannot enter lipid bilayer.
- What the body does to the drug
- Defined as entry, movement through body to sites of action, metabolism, and absorption of a drug.
- Used to determine the most effective route of administration, dosage, and administration schedule of a drug.
4 Processes of Pharmacokinetics
Absorption - Movement of drug from site of administration to blood stream
Distribution - Drug movement from blood to interstitial spaces then into cells.
Metabolism - Biotransformation: Alteration of drug structure through enzymatic activity.
Excretion - Movement of drugs and metabolites out of body.
- A drug must cross the cell membrane to reach systemic circulation
- Bioavailability is the percentage of drug that reaches systemic circulation in an unchanged form.
Rate of Absorption
Rate of dissolution - more rapid dissolution yields a faster rate of absorption.
Fastest to slowest absorption for Oral Drugs
(Liquids, Suspension Solutions, Powders, Capsules, Tablets, Enteric-Coated Tablets)
Intramuscular (IM) is more rapid than Subcutaneous (SQ) but both are absorbed relatively quicky.
Intravenous (IV) are not absorbed, they are put directly into the bloodstream.
What affects rate of absorption
Surface Area - Larger surface area, faster absorption
Blood Flow - Faster the blood flow to area, Faster the absorption.
Lipid Solubility - Highly lipid soluble drugs are absorbed more rapidly because they cross cell membranes quickly. (Channeling through cell channels is rare for drugs, aid of transport system, and direct penetration (most common)).
pH Differential - If PH difference between site of administration and blood stream favors ionization, than absorption is enhanced.
Physiological Condition - Circulation, Condition of GI Tract, pH, Body Fluids, can impact absorption
Distribution (Rate of Absorption)
Rate of Absorption - Drugs can bind with proteins (most important albumin) which due to large size, remain in blood stream. These drugs do not reach site of action. Free (unbound) drugs are active. Bound drugs are inactive
Protein binding can affect drug interactions. If 2 drugs are competing for protein binding, one drug may bind with protein while the other is released into system at greater quantities than it would have been. This can lead to increased distribution and toxicity.
Distribution (Blood Brain Barrier)
Unique anatomy of capillaries in the CNS.
Cell junctions are so tight they prevent drug passage.
Only lipid soluble or drugs with transport systems can cross through the capillary wall.
Brain also has a active transport (P-glycoprotein) that pumps variety of drugs out of the cells back into blood.
Brain is protected from toxins but difficult to get drugs there to treat disorders.
Other factors of distribution
Pregnancy - Lipid-soluble and nonionized compounds pass readily across the placenta. Ionized and protein bound drugs do not.
Lactation - Drugs can cross into breast milk via concentration gradient that allows passive diffusion of nonionized non-protein bound drugs.
Process where intracellular enzymes breakdown drugs into inactive compounds or convert prodrugs to active drugs.
Metabolites - product of metabolism, usually inactive. Active metabolites can exert independent effects on the body either therapeutic or adverse.
Majority of metabolizing happens in the liver.
First Pass
Metabolism of a drug before it reaches the systemic circulation.
Drugs are metabolized at different rates with each pass through the liver.
Drugs that are highly metabolized during their first pass often need higher doses to achieve therapeutic effects.
Only drugs that go through portal vein go through First Pass Metabolism (Rectal/Oral).
Drugs that don’t go through first pass and directly into systemic circulation (Sublingual, Intramuscular, IV)
Therapeutic Consequences of Metabolism
Accelerated Renal Excretion - Kidneys cannot excrete highly lipid-soluble drugs. Metabolism converts drugs to less lipid-soluble.
Drug Inactivation - Metabolism inactivates drugs
Increased Therapeutic Action - Metabolism can increase effectiveness of drugs (Codeine -> Morphine)
Activation of prodrugs - Prodrugs are inactive and become active after metabolism.
Increased Toxicity - Metabolism can sometimes covert safe compounds to toxic forms. (Acetaminophen)
Decreased Toxicity - Metabolism converts toxic substances into inactive forms.
Hepatic Microsomal Enzyme System (P-450)
- P450 System is metabolism through liver specific Enzymes
- 12 Enzyme Families (CYP1, CYP2, CYP3 - Metabolize Drugs, Others Metabolize Endogenous Compounds)
- Some drugs inhibit/induce elements of P-450 which in turn also alter metabolism of other drugs.
- Drugs affecting this system are the reason for drug interactions.
Enzyme Induction/Inhibition
Enzyme Induction - CYP inducers increase activity of isoenzyme, rapid reduction of drug levels.
Enzyme Inhibition - CYP inhibitors decrease isoenzyme resulting in decreased metabolism of drug and increase blood level of drug and increase action level.
- Requires adequate circulation system, kidneys, bowel, lungs, and skin.
- Many drugs are excreted into bile than feces (Sometimes are reabsorbed slowing reabsorption)
- Lungs are major route for volatile anesthetics)
Renal Excretion
- Glomerular filtration - Drugs arrive to bowman’s capsule and must pass easily to proximal tubule.
- Passive tubular re-absorption - Moves drugs back to bloodstream because concentration is higher in tubules. Only occurs in lipid-soluble drugs. (Metabolism should change drug to non-lipid soluble)
- Active tubular secretion - Move drugs from blood to urine.
Factors affecting renal excretion
Urine pH - Increased excretion with weakly acidic drugs in base urine, or weakly basic drugs in acidic urine.
Overuse of Active Transport - 2 active transports in renal tubules, 1 for organic acids, 1 for organic bases. P-glycoprotein can pump drugs into urine.
Age - Newborns have limited capacity to excrete drugs due to undeveloped kidneys. Older adults as well due to deteriorated renal function
Clearance - Volume of plasma of which drug is removed within a given time. (Drugs stored in adipose is not excreted - Lipophilic)
Decrease in elimination causes time needed to reduce serum half-life.
Plasma/Serum Drug Level
- The amount of drug in the blood at a particular time. Affected by dosage, absorption, bioavailability, half-life, rate of metabolism, and excretion.
- There is no way to check drug levels at site of action. Plasma drug levels can be checked and is directly correlated with therapeutic and toxic responses.
Factors to achieving Therapeutic Level
Half Life - Dosing Interval is determined by how long it takes for drug to decrease 50%.
Plateau - Drug administered and eliminated are balanced. Single dose increases and then lowers in plasma levels, after about 4 half-lives you will reach plateau with little fluctuation in drug plasma levels.
Peak/Trough Levels - Peak is highest level of drug plasma (30-60 minutes after administration), Trough is lowest level of drug plasma (Must be kept above MEC and shows next dose is safe to give).
Loading/Maintenance Dose
Loading Dose - Used to achieve plateau more quickly, and is usually a larger dose.
Maintenance Dose - Usually smaller doses to maintain therapeutic range.
- What the drug does to the body and how. Specific action on the target cells and subsequent reactions.
Dose/Response Relationship - Minimum amount of drug we can use, maximum amount of response a drug can elicit, how much we can increase dose to produce desired increase in response.
Potency of Drug Factors
Affinity - Some drugs are more strongly attracted to certain its receptors. Can bind well even in low concentrations.
Intrinsic Activity - Yields higher maximum efficacy. Drugs that do a better job have higher intrinsic activity
Modified Occupancy Theory
Drugs differ in ability to activate receptor upon binding
Potency - How big of a dose to reach drugs maximum efficacy.
Maximal Efficacy - Greatest attainable response
Drug Receptors
- Drugs must attach to receptors to create an effect.
- Receptors are the “on/off” switch and once a molecule/drug binds to it, it can turn it on causing the cell to react in a pre-programmed way.
- Normally receptors are regulated via hormones or other endogenous compounds, but drugs can bind and mimic or block actions of endogenous compounds.
- This increases/decreases rate of physiological activity normally controlled by receptors.
Drug Receptor Interactions
- Drugs can only mimic/block bodies own regulatory molecules. Cannot give cells new functions.
Agonists - Activates receptors (high affinity, high intrinsic activity)
Partial Agonists - Moderate intrinsic activity
Antagonists - Block other compounds from receptors. (Have affinity but no intrinsic activity)
Non-Receptor Drug Actions
Do not bind to receptors. Interacts with ions or other molecules found in the body and integrates them into cellular mechanisms. Effective Dose 50 (ED50) Dose required for therapeutic effect in 50% of population. Typical starting dose. Lethal Dose 50 (LD50) In lab setting, dosage required to be lethal for 50% of population Therapeutic Index (TI) - Ratio of effective to lethal dose. (LD50/ED50) - Closer to 1 = more lethal Higher = Less Lethal
Side/Adverse Effect
Adverse Effect - Unfavorable, unintended, undesired effects of drugs. Occurs at therapeutic Dose
Side Effect - Additional effects that may be desirable or undesirable but not primary purpose of taking drug.
Drug Interactions
Food - Sometimes drug can change the way body uses food.
Nicotine - Nicotine can reduce sensitivity to BP meds, decreased sedation from benzo’s
Caffeine - Check Module
Alcohol - Check Module
Herbal Therapies - Check Module
Drug Interaction Related Variables
Additive - Total effect is each drug independent added together (1+1=2)
Synergism - Effect of 2 drugs is greater than each independently (1+1=3)
Potentiation - Normally a drug is not toxic but when added to another chemical, becomes toxic.
Antagonism - Drug blocks other drug from reacting (1+1=1)
Displacement - Displacement of drug from receptor decreases drug activity. Displacement from plasma or tissue increases effect (more unbound drug available at receptor site)
Tolerance/Cross Tolerance
Tolerance - Decreased response to a drug, requiring larger dose to achieve same outcome. Cross Tolerance is how much drug is needed to achieve the same outcome.
Physical Dependence
After long term use of a drug the body has adapted to drug exposure, and when taken off body will go through abstinence syndromes.
Neurotoxicity - drowsiness, restlessness, nystagmus, seizures.
Hepatoxic - Damages liver (hepatitis, jaundice, fatty infiltration of liver)
Nephrotoxicity - Damages Kidneys (Decreased urine output, elevated blood urea nitrogen, creatinine)
Ototoxicity - Damage to ears (tinnitus, ringing, light headed, vertigo, hearing loss, nausea)
Cardiotoxicity - Irregular heart rhythm, heart failure
Immunotoxicity - Increased incidence of infection.
Combination of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics and understanding microbiologic and biochemical aspects of disease.
(Purpose of patient taking a drug)