1.1 Pathophysiology an Overview Flashcards
Study of change and structure or function in body due to disease, injury, or disorders.
Pathos - Greek for disease
Biology - Study of life and living organisms
Individual Variables in Health and Disease
Gender - Men are more prone to CVD at an early age. Equalizes after women reach menopause
Race/Ethnicity - Black Americans more prone to hypertension due to low levels of renin and kidney difference
Locale - Southern US is more prone to kidney stones
Socioeconomic Status - Access to clean water/food
Individual Variables in Health
Blood Type - Blood type O may have lower risk of CVD. Gastric Cancer more prone to Type A Blood
Blood Glucose Level - Elevated glucose linked to CVD
Medical History
Family History
Primary Prevention
Activities that prevent disease from occurring
- Vaccines
- Health Promotion Activities
- Protective Gear
Secondary Prevention
Early detection of disease through screening.
- Cholesterol screening and diabetes screening
Tertiary Prevention
Rehabilitation of patient to prevent complications or progression of disease
- Cardiac rehabilitation following myocardial infarction
Disease/Injury/Risk Factors
- Disease - Functional impairment of cells, tissues and organs. Includes injuries, disorders and syndromes
- Injury - Damage (acute/chronic/overuse)
- Risk Factors - Things within genetic makeup, lifestyle choices, history that increase risk of disease or disorder
Precise cause of a disease
Multifactorial - Having more than one cause
Idiopathic - No known cause
Nosocomial - Infection received in healthcare department
Iatrogenic - Caused by medical treatment
Origination and development of disease
Starts when disease process begins to when it presents itself
(Disease, Injury, Etiology, Risk Factors)
Signs - Observable by practitioner
Symptoms - Subjective Information provided by patient
Asymptomatic - Absence of signs and symptoms
Clinical Manifestation
Presenting Signs, Symptoms and characteristics of a disease
Local - Findings at site of injury
Systemic - Present throughout the body
Types of Clinical Manifestations
Acute - Very sudden and rapid onset/rapid progression
Subacute - Recent onset (somewhat rapid change)
Chronic - Indefinite duration with virtually no change
Remission - Temporary diminishment of disease
Exacerbation - Worsening of Disease
Body’s natural reaction to injury to keep body in balance. (Stop bleeding and repair damage)
- Life is significantly impacted.
- Need more advanced treatment plan
(Multiple prescription drugs, physical therapy, wound interventions, surgery) - Risk of pre-mature death
- Begins to experience symptoms
- Treatments with medication
- Beginning on progression to poor health
- Early intervention may be able to manage these findings
- (High blood pressure, elevated glucose)
- Individual recognizes activities that can contribute to health and wellness
- Active intervention such as obese patient working with personal trainer
- Diet and activity levels improve
- Optimal wellness.
- Patient has made considerable life changes and sustained them
Epidemiology - Study of health and disease and patterns in defined populations
Incidence - Rate/Proportion of development of a disease within a certain period of time
Prevalence - Rate/Proportion of people who have a disease at a certain period of time
Endemic - Incidence/Prevalence is stable
Epidemic - Dramatic increase in incidence rates in a population
Pandemic - Epidemic crosses continents
Diagnosis - Label for a disease
Prognosis - Prediction of how a patient will proceed through the disease process. (Morbidity and Mortality)
Used to manage patients disease and symptoms