2.1a: The Sacramental Nature of Reality Flashcards
What is a sacrament?
An outward sign of an inward gift instituted by Christ in order to give grace to a human being.
What does the sacramental nature of reality mean?
Fidning the grace of God within the physical world
What are the seven sacraments?
The Sacraments of Initiation:
* Baptism
* Confirmation
* Eucharist
The Sacraments of Healing
Anointing of the Sick
* Reconciliation
The Sacraments of Vocation
* Marriage
* Holy Orders
What do Catholics believe about God communciating with the world?
- God is invisible, however, Catholics believe he speaks to humans through everything he has created.
- Examples of Creation that God may use to communciate with his people include music, love and sport.
SOWA: CCC 1210
“The Seven Sacraments touch all the stages and important moments of Christian life”
The Eucharist
“The Eucharist is the sacrament of sacraments”
Sacraments as a whole
“The sacraments form a whole in which each sacrament has a vital place”
What happens at baptism, and who is usually involved?
- A ceremony that welcomes someone into the Catholic community.
- Water is poured onto the head 3 times.
- Oil is put on the person’s chest and forehead.
- A candle is lit.
It is more common for babies, but adults can be baptised too.
What are the key symbols of baptism?
- Holy water
- Oil of chrism
- White garment
- Candle
How does baptism show God’s grace and salvation?
- Baptism communicates salvation as you are being forgiven of your sins and blessed by God to join the faith and your original sin gets washed away.
What happens at Holy Communion (Eucharist), and who is usually involved?
- Catholics eat bread to remember Jesus’ words at the Last Supper and his sacrifice.
- Anyone that is Catholic can recieve the sacrament
What are the key symbols of the Eucharist?
- Bread and wine symbolise the body and blood of Christ.
How does the Eucharist show God’s grace and salvation?
- It opens a pathway ti heaven and reminds Catholics of Jesus’ sacrifice
What happens at confirmation and who is usually involved?
- A ceremony that allows a Catholic to make their own promises to God and take responsibility for their faith.
- They will chiise a Saint’s name who they will admire/look up too.
- More common for school aged children. They must have done Baptism and Holy Communion first.
What are the key symbols of confirmation?
- Reciting the vows made during their baptism.
- Oil used by the bishop
How does confiramtion show God’s grace and salvation?
Strengthens your relationship with God