218- Property Flashcards
218-01 D/O Telephone New York State Tax Office for pickup of property owned by Division of Lottery. DO NOT send to Property Clerk.
A separate PROPERTY CLERK INVOICE will be prepared for each of the following:
a. Different property types
b. Different property categories
c. Different owners
d. Property that will be delivered to different locations (e.g., Police Laboratory, Property Clerk, Bomb Squad, OCME, etc.).
When preparing a PROPERTY CLERK INVOICE where the items invoiced will be sent or have the potential to be sent to the Police Laboratory for laboratory analysis, the INVOICE will not exceed 20 line items.
U m o s who do not have a username and/or password and
members of other police agencies will sign PROPERTY CLERK INVOICE utilizing the digital signature device. When a vehicle removed by the Sanitation Department or invoiced by this Department has obvious fire damage, the invoicing member will notify FD borough dispatcher; however no 61 prepared. A Fire Marshal will determine if arson occurred and prepare a 61, if necessary. To avoid confusion, do not use the terms “pairs” or “sets” when invoicing property (e.g., a “pair” of trousers, scissors, etc., refers to one item while a “pair” of shoes, gloves, etc., refers to two items).
- Utilize the “Void Invoice” function, if PCI has not been approved by a supervisor n can not be corrected using the “Update Invoice” function (i.e., INVOICE should not have been prepared in the first place). Most mistakes or errors on INVOICES (i.e., error in entering property description, etc.) can be corrected utilizing the “Update Invoice” function instead of the “Void Invoice” function in the Property and Evidence Tracking System.
- Create a new P C I, if INVOICE has been approved by a supervisor.
a. Enter in the “Remarks” section, the INVOICE # to be voided. - Utilize the “Void Invoice” function to void appropriate INVOICE.
a. Enter in the “Remarks” section the reason for voiding INVOICE n cross-reference the new P C I #. Once an INVOICE has been approved by a supervisor, the INVOICE can only be voided by a supervisor assigned to the command where the property is physically located.
Print an updated version of voided INVOICES and INVOICES that have been returned to owner (R.T.O.) at the command and file in precinct of record, as follows:
a. PROPERTY CLERK INVOICES will be maintained in designated files in INVOICE # order w photocopy of claimant’s id, n/or related documents (i.e., District
Attorney’s Release, etc.) if any, attached
b. All other copies may be discarded.
If a pre-printed serial numbered P C I or PROPERTY CLERK’S
MOTOR VEHICLE/BOAT INVOICE (PD571-147), prepared prior to the implementation of the Property and Evidence Tracking System, is to be voided, mark the INVOICE “VOIDED” n file the INVOICE at the command. The property listed on the “VOIDED” pre-printed serial numbered INVOICE will then be invoiced utilizing the Property n Evidence Tracking System. CO concerned will investigate circumstances of missing INVOICES and take appropriate action. ( However , 218-03 Delivery of property other than Vehicle/ Boat to Property Clerk. IF DISCREPANCIES EXIST:
4. Messenger Notify D/O if any item listed on the P C I is missing.
DESK OFFICER 5. Conduct immediate investigation n notify co/duty
captain n (IAB) Command Center when any item listed on P C I is missing.
6. Ensure IAB Log Number is entered in the “Remarks” section of the P C I )
When an investigation is being conducted, property invoiced pertaining to the case will not be released to a claimant w/out authorization of investigating officer. Stamped or perforated currency will never be returned to a claimant or deposited in the Property Clerk’s account in any bank under any circumstances. This currency will be forwarded to the Property Clerk who will arrange for reimbursement of the claimant.
218-33 If the sexual offense occurred w/in the previous 72 hours, a Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit should be used. Not all hospitals may use Sexual Offense
Evidence Collection Kits. In such cases, take possession of any other evidence gathering container used and process in accordance with this procedure.
A Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Blood and Urine Specimen Collection Kit will be utilized for the collection of blood and urine when it is suspected that the victim of a sexual assault was drugged. This kit is separate from the Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit. The kit is composed of two gray-topped blood tubes and a urine container for the collection of specimens, and must be vouchered, on a separate PROPERTY CLERK INVOICE, with a separate REQUEST FOR LABORATORY EXAMINATION REPORT (for
toxicology). inform hospital personnel and request that a kit be used. Hospital personnel will collect the blood and urine for the kit when it is suspected that it is drug facilitated, w/in 96 hours of when the victim last remembers having a drink. The blood and urine collected in these kits will degenerate after 24 hours, so immediate delivery to the Police Laboratory and the Office of the Chief M E, Evidence Unit is imperative.
218-33 Members will ensure a copy of the 61 is sent to the Police Laboratory with a Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit or any other sexual offense evidence. The Police Laboratory will not accept a Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit or any other sexual offense evidence without a copy of the 61.
Members are reminded that a PROPERTY CLERK INVOICE will not exceed 20
line items if the INVOICE is being sent or has the potential to be sent to the Police
Laboratory for laboratory analysis.
218-39 SEIZURE OF PROPERTY – Under certain circumstances, the property of a street vendor may be confiscated and the City’s Law Department may institute a forfeiture action against the vendor. In those circumstances, the property may not be returned to the vendor without the written authorization of the City’s Law Department or Commanding Officer, Legal Bureau. Those circumstances are listed in the “ADDITIONAL DATA” statement. In the event a vendor’s property is confiscated for seizure, members of the service are instructed to confiscate only that
property which is displayed for sale, including, any cart, table or other device used to display the property.
218-39 REMOVAL OF PROPERTY – Under certain circumstances, a street vendor’s property may be confiscated and subject to a removal process. Those circumstances
are listed in the “ADDITIONAL DATA” statement. Under a removal process, the property may be returned to the vendor at the command, even if the Environmental
Control Board Notice of Violation has not been adjudicated at the time the vendor
seeks return of his/her property. Under a removal process, food vendors are subject
to a removal fee as per Patrol Guide 218-43, “Removal and Storage Fees for Licensed
Food Vendors Equipment and Goods.” General vendors, Disabled Veteran Vendors,
and First Amendment or Expressive Matter Vendors are not to be charged a removal fee.
218-35 To record, process n safeguard currency required as evidence.
DEFINITION NUMISMATIC/SENTIMENTAL VALUE - includes all gold coins, all U.S. silver
coins bearing date of 1964 or prior and extremely old bills. In addition, when determining numismatic/sentimental value, members should be guided by the circumstances under which the currency was found (e.g., location, type of packaging, special markings, encased in frames or books, etc.). If doubt exists, such currency will be deemed to have numismatic/sentimental value. Currency with numismatic/sentimental value will not be
deposited in a bank.
PROCEDURE When currency required as evidence is seized:
1. Inform desk officer of details.
2. Count currency in presence of D/O
218-35 DESK OFFICER 3. Ensure currency is marked with evidence stamp labeled, “Evidence - Notify N.Y.C. P D Property Clerk Division” except for the
a. Currency with numismatic/ sentimental value
b. Currency that must remain unaltered (treated with dye, fluorescent powder, or marked)
c. Foreign currency
d. Blood stained currency.
4. Perform the following under the supervision of the desk officer:
a. Stamp and initial face of each bill as directed by D/O
(1) If currency is marked with evidence stamp, list each denomination as separate item n indicate quantity each denomination
(2) List each denomination of UNSTAMPED bills and respective serial no. as separate item n indicate quantity of each item
(3) Verify amount listed on PROPERTY CLERK INVOICE WORKSHEET, insert currency in serially numbered/bar-coded Plastic Security Envelope and seal.
5. Enter facts in ACTIVITY LOG (PD112-145).
6. Deliver currency and P C I WORKSHEET to desk officer
If the currency being invoiced is not stamped by arresting/assigned officer, the name and rank of officer stamping bills will be entered under the “Remarks” section.
Currency will be perforated ONLY by Property Clerk personnel at Property Clerk
facilities. Stamped or perforated currency will NEVER be returned to a claimant or deposited in the Property Clerk’s account in any bank under any circumstances. This currency will be forwarded to the Property Clerk, who will arrange for reimbursement of the claimant. In instances when currency is to be delivered to the Police Laboratory, the currency should be placed in a manila envelope and sealed in a normal manner. In addition, the invoicing officer will sign name, shield number, command and date across seal. Mutilated currency (marked with fluorescent powder, treated with dye, blood stained, etc.) will be placed in a plastic security envelope marked
218-35 MUTILATED CURRENCY – CONTAINS STAINED MATERIAL – USE CARE IN HANDLING.” Such currency will be forwarded to the Property Clerk for redemption.
a. Should there be a need for laboratory analysis, then the currency should be
placed in a manila envelope, sealed in a normal manner and marked
IN HANDLING.” In addition, the invoicing officer will sign name, shield number, command and date across seal.
218-42 To record the distribution of Property Clerk Division seals issued to Umos assigned to peddler enforcement duty and to ensure the integrity of returned Property Clerk Division seals.
SCOPE Umos below the rank of captain, assigned to peddler enforcement duty, must carry a sufficient amount of Property Clerk Division seals.
PROCEDURE When assigned to peddler enforcement duty:
1. Obtain Property Clerk Division seals and CERTIFICATION OF PROPERTY CLERK DIVISION SEALS (PD521-061) from D/O.
2. Examine Property Clerk Division seals to ensure that there are 20 seals, consecutively numbered.
3. Sign for Property Clerk Division seals on the PROPERTY CLERK DIVISION SEAL DISTRIBUTION CARD (PD521-1411).
4. Sign and deliver completed CERTIFICATION OF PROPERTY CLERK DIVISION SEALS, to immediate supervisor, after all seals have been used.
218-42 SUPERVISOR 5. Review completed CERTIFICATION OF PROPERTY CLERK DIVISION SEALS and verify that all Property Clerk Division seals are accounted for.
a. Document verification by initialing the top portion of the CERTIFICATION OF PROPERTY CLERK DIVISION SEALS.
6. Deliver unused Property Clerk Division seals and CERTIFICATION OF PROPERTY CLERK DIVISION SEALS, to the command where they were issued, when transferred or separated from the Department.
7. Notify commanding officer, without delay, when a Property Clerk Division seal is damaged or missing.
SEALS to verify that:
a. All information has been recorded
b. No discrepancies exist.
9. Take appropriate action if discrepancies are found.
10. Obtain unused or damaged peddler seals from transferred or separated members.
11. Destroy unused or damaged Property Clerk Division seals; they are not to
be re-issued