2.1.2 (2 - fertilisation + prenatal dev) Flashcards
Release of eggs from the ovaries.
Natural hormone that stimulates contractions of the uterus in childbirth + afterwards.
The fusing of a sperm + egg cell. Marks the beginning of pregnancy (aka conception) - when the sperm penetrates an egg to result in a single cell called a zygote.
Process of fertilisation
- Sperm is deposited in vagina + swims towards fallopian tubes (during SI).
- If ovum is present any sperm that reaches will be able to compete to break through ovum’s membrane.
- Done by releasing an enzyme that breaks down the outer barrier - once enters no more can.
Stages of prenatal development
Germinal stage
Embryonic stage
Foetal stage
Germinal stage
0-2 weeks (fertilisation to implantation)
DM - process of cell division begins (30 hrs after fert).
- Formation of placenta begins.
When cluster of cells that will become an embryo attaches itself to endometrium.
A solid ball of cells created from a zygote.
Thin-walled hollow structure consisting of a cluster of cells making up an outer cells mass (will become the placenta) + inner cell mass (become the embryo).
Embryonic stage
2-8 wks (implantation to 8th week)
DM - buds appear that will become limbs, heart begins to beat, embryo approx 1.5cm long, brain is now active.
Cell differentiation
When cells take on specialised roles (eg. heart cells, skin cells, bone cells).
Particularly influential during embryonic stage.
- Anything in the the environment of the embryo that can cause defects in development.
Foetal stage
9-38wks (continues until birth) characterised by rapid growth.
DM - ears fully functioning + foetus can hear muffled sounds, fat laid down under skin to assist with life outside uterus, foetus assumes head down position in preparation for birth).
The birth process
Dilation of the cervix
The birth
The afterbirth
Dilation of the cervix (1st stage)
- Birth begins when strong muscles in the wall of uterus begin to contract (triggered by oxytocin).
- Pressure of baby’s head on the cervix leads to released of oxytocin + subsequent contraction of smooth muscles of uterus.
The birth (2nd stage)
Begins when cervix is fully dilated (approx 10cm) up to delivery of the baby.
The afterbirth (3rd stage)
- Expulsion of the placenta due to powerful contractions of the uterus.
- Injections of oxytocin may be given to constrict blood vessels + reduce bleeding from the uterus.
APGAR scale
An indication of how well a neonate is coping with the physical challenges outside the uterus.
- Lower score may indicate that medical intervention is necessary.
A - activity
- Absent (0)
- Flexed arms + legs (1)
- Active (2)
P - pulse
- Absent (0)
- Below 100bpm (1)
- Above 100bpm (2)
G - grimace (reflex irritability)
- Floppy (0)
- Minimal response to stimulation (1)
- Prompt response to stimulation (2)
A - appearance (skin colour)
- Blue/pale (0)
- Pink body/blue extremities (1)
- Pink (2)
R - respiration
- Absent (0)
- Slow + irregular (1)
- Vigorous cry (2)