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OCR A Level Chemistry
> 2.1.17 Titrations > Flashcards
2.1.17 Titrations Flashcards
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OCR A Level Chemistry
(83 decks)
2.1 Atoms and Reactions
2.1.1 The Changing Atom
2.1.2 Atomic Structure
2.1.3 Atomic Masses
2.1.4 Determining Masses Using Mass Spectroscopy
2.1.5 Ions and the Periodic Table
2.1.6 Amount of Substance and the Mole
2.1.7 Types of Formulae
2.1.8 Moles and Gas Volumes
2.1.9 Moles and Solutions
2.1.10 Chemical Equations
2.1.11 Moles and Reactions
2.1.12 Percentage Yields
2.1.13 Atom Economy
2.1.14 Acids and Bases
2.1.15 Salts
2.1.16 Formulae for Crystals and Salts
2.1.17 Titrations
2.1.18 Oxidation Numbers
2.1.19 Redox Reactions
2.2 Electrons, Bonding and Structure
2.2.1 Subshells and Orbitals
2.2.2 Sub-shells and Energy Levels
2.2.3 Chemical Bonding
2.2.4 Ionic Bonding
2.2.5 Structures of Ionic Compounds
2.2.6 Covalent Bonding
2.2.7 Dative Covalent Bonding
2.2.8 Structures of Covalent Bonds
2.2.9 Shapes of Molecules and Ions
2.2.10 Electronegativity and Bond Polarity
2.2.11 Intermolecular Forces
2.2.12 Hydrogen Bonding
3.1 The Periodic Table
3.1.1 The Development of the Periodic Table
3.1.2 The Modern Periodic Table
3.1.3 Electrons and the Periodic Table
3.1.4 Evidence for Electron Shells
3.1.5 Periodicity: Ionisation Energies and Atomic Radii
3.1.6 Metallic Bonding and Structure
3.1.7 Periodicity: Melting Points
3.1.8 Group 2 Elements: Redox Reactions
3.1.9 Group 2 Compounds: Reactions
3.1.10 Group 17: the Halogens
3.1.11 testing for Ions
3.2 Physical Chemistry
3.2.1 Enthalpy and Reactions
3.2.2 Enthalpy Profile Diagrams
3.2.3 Enthalpy Terms
3.2.4 Calorimetry
3.2.5 Bond Enthalpies
3.2.6 Hess's Law and Enthalpy Cycles
3.2.7 Collision Theory and Rates of Reaction
3.2.8 Catalysts
3.2.9 The Boltzman Distribution
3.2.10 Chemical Equilibrium
3.2.11 Equillibrium and Industry
3.2.12 The Equillibrium Constamt, K(small)2
4.1 Basic Concepts and Hydrocarbons
4.1.1 Naming Organic Chemicals
4.1.2 Organic Compounds and their Formulae
4.1.3 Skeletal Formulae
4.1.4 Isomerism
4.1.5 Reaction Mechanisms
4.1.6 Properties of Alkanes
4.1.7 Reactions of Alkanes
4.1.8 Properties of Alkenes
4.1.9 Addition Reactions of Alkenes
4.1.10 Addition Polymerisation
4.1.11 Polymers - Dealing with Polymer Waste
4.2 Alcohols, Haloalkanes and Analysis
4.2.1 Properties of Alcohols
4.2.2 Oxidisation of Alcohols
4.2.3 Other Reactions of Alcohols
4.2.4 Haloalkanes
4.2.5 Haloalkanes and the Environment
4.2.6 Practical Skills for Organic Chemicals
4.2.7 Synthetic |Routes in Organic Synthesis
4.2.8 Infared Spectroscopy
4.2.9 Infared Spectroscopy: Functional Groups
4.2.10 Mass Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry
4.2.11 Mass Spectroscopy: Fragmented Patterns
4.2.12 Combined Techneques