2.1 just PPBE Flashcards
National Securty Act 1947
Major DOD restructure, established NSC, CIA, a civilian SECDEF, OSD and Joint Chiefs of Staff JCS; created new Dept US Air Force
When and what created DOD
1949 amendment to National Securty Act. Consolodated 3 military depts into one
Roles of SECDEF
Principle defence policy advisor to POTUS, formulation of defence policy and the execution of approved policy
only military representative on presidents cabinet
Combatant commands report to
SECDEF directly
Who represents needs of Comabatant Commands
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Principle staff element used by SECEF and DEPSECDEF over DOD
Created Chief Management Officer and what is
2018 Nation Defence Auth Act; #3 in DOD
In charge of planning phase of PPBE
USD Policy
In charge of strategic plan
USD Policy
In charge of Budgeting phase PPBE
USD Comptroller
Cost assesment and programming evaluation. Programming phase of PPBE
Who is in charge of updating FDYP
Goldwater Nichols DOD Reorgranization Act 1986
ID’d Chairman of JCS as senior ranking member of armed forces; Chairman of JCS is the principle military advisor to POTUS, NSC and SECDEF
Chairman of JCS is priciple military advisor to…
POTUS, NSC and SECDEF; Goldwater Nichols DOD Reorg Act of 1986 established this
Operational chain from Combatant commands to POTUS
COM Commands, SECDEF, POTUS (NO Chairman of JOS)
Chairman of JCS advises SECDEF on
- Critical deficiencies and strengths in force capabities (manpower, logistics and mobility) 2. Military requirements for Defence Acquisition program 3. Extent to which programs and policies in area of manpoer coform to strategic plans 4. Reviews the POMS to make sure Comb Command needs being met
Manpower, logistics and mobility plan
Chairman JCS
Vice Chairman of JCOS
Acts as chairman of Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC); outranks all except Chairman
Material solutions managed by
Non-material solutions managed by
JROC detemines whether
material solution or non-material solution (
Which command sumbits a full POM
Special Operations Command SOCOM
All military forces are assigned under jurisdiction of…
a combatant command
How does chairman of JCS function around chain of command
transmitting to and from the Combatant commands the orders of SECDEF and POTUS
National Security Council Statutory advisors
Chairman JCS, Director of National Intelligence
Who chairs NSC
PRINCIPAL members of NSC
Output of NSC
National Security Strategy (NSS)
When is NSS published an updated
January of POTUS second year
National Defence Strategy
Published by SECDEF based on NSS; it is a 4 year DOD Strategic Plan
Congress mandates NSS and NDS update every ____ years, due ____ , and assessed how often?
4 years, January of POTUS second year, reviewed annually
National Military strategy and what does it recommend
Dveloped by Chairman JCS based of DOD strategic plan; recommeded military objectives, fiscally constrained force levels, military strategy and force options, rask assessemnt of the recommended stratgey, forces and military options.
Who signs NSS, NDS, NMS, DEF Strat Guidance, Strategy for Homeland Defense
How many years in PPBE
1 year budget, 4 year program plan
Overarching goals of PPBE
- articulate strategy to support NSS and identifies forces necessary 2. Formulates 1 yr budget and 4 yr program plan 3. What programs funded, how much spent on each
What do combattant commanders submit during POM in planning phase
Integrated Prority Lists (IPL) resorce requirements submitted to SECDEF, DEPSECDEF, Chairman JCS, and mil dept responsible
Budget Estimate Submission, subnitted same time as POM, to the USC Comp
Oversight of Defese Finance and Accounting Sercive (DFAS) and Defense contract audit agency (DCAA)
USD Comptroller
OSD Comptroller vs USD Comptroller
OSD is old, official term is USD
Advise SECDEF on all PPBE matters related to aquistion, technology, logistics, installations, equipment. Bigger role in Defence Aquistion System process
Who are POMs submitted to
Program Objective Memorandum
Publishes fiscal guidance for POM input
D CAPE Prepares and Publishes the following
- DOD Fiscal Guidance 2. DOD Programming Guidance 3. Programmatic Decision Documents in coordination with USD (Comp) 4. Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) 5. Analytics in support of NDS
Defence Acquisition board chairmed by
USD AT&L; acquisition of major weapon systems
JROC is a meeting between…
JCIDS and USD AT&L which launches DAS (Defence Acquisition System) if it is a material need
Final output of Planning phase and who signs
DPG Defence planning guidance signed by SECDEF; guidance for forming POMs and BES
Timeframe when planning phase begins
1.5 years in adance of fiscal year in which budget authority requested. 1.5 in advance of when POM and BES submitted
Only Combattant command that submits POMS direct to OSD
Combattant commands role in POM creation
they submit IPLs( Intergrated prioirity list) during planning phase, to SECDEF, Chairman JCS, Military Departments. Not service specific, just combat commands saying what we need
Two programs under Joint Military Inteligence programs JMIP
NIP and MIP (National Intelligence Programs) (Military Intelligence Programs) CFO of ODNI in charge of NIP. ODI submits budget for NIP. OUSDI for MIP (office under secretary Defence Intelligence)
POMS turned in by ____ to _____
Each OSD (also SOCOM) to DCAPE
Three star groups
there are a number of them for each issue determined in planning phase. DCAPE forms these teams and directs them to review the POMs. They complete issue papers if they recommend a POM change, send these to the DMAG, decisions from DMAG are presented for Resource Managment Decision (RMD).
Who issues Resources Management Decision (RMD)
DEPSECDEF and DCAPE; these alter the POMS as they have been entered into the FYDP, otherwise POMS remain as submitted
Responsible for organizing, staffing, training, equiping, and sustaining our military forces
Military Departments
Integrated Program/Budget review guidance
late may early june published by USD Comp and DCAPE providing guidance for preparation and submission of POM/BES
First time FYDP is updated during PPBE
When DCAPE gets the POM submission
Future Years Defence Program and how many years does it contain
Database summerizing forces, reqsources and equip associated with APPROVED SECDEF programs. It is a TEN year snapshot. Prior year, current year, four out years and then three more
When are POM and BES due
end or July or early August
What is Deputy Management Action Group, who chairs
DEPSECDEF chairs, changes to POM published by RMD resource management decision
JCOS review of POMs
Chairmans Program Accessment (CPA) presented to SECDEF for decisions in the Resourse Management Decision Doc (RMD)
Final Decision Document in the programming phase
RMD (Resource Management Decisions)
Fall Review
Part of budgeting phase, result of these is RMDs; Following BES submissions, component representative answers questions from USD Comp budget analyst (and perhaps the OMB examiner) to justify budget submission (proper funding, pricing, phasing, reasonableness, historical obligations and executibility
Last chance for a secretary to appeal RMDs
Budget issue resolution. Doesn’t have to happen
Budgeting is the
Translation of resource requiremetns from programming format to appropriation format
How many year covered in the BES
Three, Prior, Current and Budget
Budget decisions from RMD are reflected in the ____ in what format
Comptroller Information System (CIS), object classification schedules
Which one is not considered an object class
Something about partial payments? Sunk costs ARE
Chairman and vice chair of DAB
USD (AT&L) chairs, Vice chairman Vice chair JCS
POM (phase? Who? Where?)
goes to DCAPE, Programming Phase, from DOD components
Issue books (phase? Who? Where?)
Programming phase, 3 stars write them and submit to DMAG who make final RMD decisions
Resource Management Decisions (phase? Who? Where?)
Final DOC programming AND Budgeting Phase, signed by SECDEF
BES (phase? Who? Where?)
Submitted to USD Comp, budgeting phase,
CIS (phase? Who? Where?)
Comptroller information system, End of Budgeting phase, submitted by comptroller to OMB
Final Output of PPB
Presidents Budget
Final Phase of PPBE is…