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> 21 - Histogenesis + Histomorphology of Oral mucosa > Flashcards
21 - Histogenesis + Histomorphology of Oral mucosa Flashcards
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(39 decks)
1 - Prenatal Human Development
2 - Chronology in the development of the maxillofacial region by weeks
3 - Ossification, Lines of fusion + defects in formation of the maxillofacial region
4 - Tooth germ - Physiological stages in teeth development
5 - Tooth germ - Morphological stages in development of enamel organ
6 - Tooth germ - morphological stages in the development of the dental papilla and the dental sac. Functions of the elements of the tooth germ.
7 - Histogenesis of the enamel - Amelogenesis
8 - Morphology + Physiology of enamel
9 - Histogenesis of dentin - Dentinogenesis
10 - Morphology + Physiology of dentin
11 - Histogenesis + Anatomy of dental pulp
12- Histomorphology of dental pulp
13 - Physiology + Function of the pulp
14 - Histogenesis of dental cementum
15 - Morphology of dental cementum
16 - Composition, Physiology + Functions of dental cementum
17 - Histogenesis of periodontium
18 - Morphology of periodontium
19 - Functions + Ageing of periodontium
20 - Formation, Structure + Remodelling of alveolar bone
21 - Histogenesis + Histomorphology of Oral mucosa
22 - Topographic characteristics of oral mucosa, structure of gingiva + specialized mucosa
24 - Dynamics of tooth development
25-Theories + Patterns of tooth eruption
26-Tooth root formation - stages. Resorption of primary teeth
27-Anatomical + Physiological features of primary teeth
28 - Anatomical + Physiological features of permanent teeth
29 - Anatomical + Physiological differences between primary + permanent dentition
30 - Anomalies in tooth development
31 - Anomalies in Tooth Structure + Dental Dysplasia
32-Oral biological system + Oral ecology
33 - Oral ecology + Factors or oral bacterial homeostasis
34 - Microbial interactions
35 - Salivary glands, structure, mechanism + control
36-Composititon of saliva + Gingival Crevicular Fluid
37 - Physiology of saliva + Role of GCF
38 - Immune system (non-specific + specific immunity). Immune tolerance
39 - Development of immune system in childhood. Immunopathological reactions. Oral immunity
40 - Immunopathological reactions in oral diseases