2.1: Exercise Program Design Flashcards
It is not about how many times you do it; it is all about how to properly do it.
Principles of Exercise Training
are essential in ensuring that one does exercise in a safe, balanced and efficient way.
Exercise programs
This states that the body must work harder than it used to in order for it to adapt (Fernando- Callo & Dajime, 2016).
Principle of Overload
views exercise as a certain form of stress that’s meant to strengthen the body. The muscles have to be overworked in order for it to exceed its limit.
Principle of Overload
states that the body should experience a gradual increase in workload. It deals with its time period.
Principle of Progression
States that the body will adapt specifically to the workload it experienced. This implies that the body will adapt to the kind of activities that it performs.
Principle of Specificity
This states that no two persons are the same when it comes to adaptation to the workload.
Principle of Individuality
This states that adaptations that take place as a result of training are all reversible. This means that too much rest, or discontinuing exercise training will cause the body’s level of physical fitness.
Principle of Reversibility
Refers to the number of exercise training sessions that a person has to undergo in a week.
Basically the level of difficulty of a workout.
it is the duration of an exercise session.
this is influenced by the person’s fitness goal.
This is basically the preparation exercise before the body engages in strenuous workout.
refer to flexibility exercises which emphasize on the active range of motion.
Dynamic stretches
According to experts, warm-up helps boost?
muscular output
refers to flexibility exercises wherein one must hold the joint in a stationary position for a period of time.
Static stretch
It is the beginning of the recovery, and must be conducted in order to clear the by- products of muscle contraction and replenish the oxygen and energy used during workout.
Cool down