2.1 Employment Law Flashcards
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO):
condition that all individuals have equal chance of employment regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age (kind of)
13th Amendment
1865 Abolish slavery
14th Amendment
- Forbids states from taking life, liberty or property without due process and provides equal protection under law.
Applies only to gov groups or private with gov ties.
* Ex. US Davis lost case for setting admission spots for minorities
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Men/women equal work, equal pay.
o Equal in terms of skill, effort, responsibility, working conditions
o Seniority, merit, quality, quantity pay differences allowed.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII):
Prohibits employers from discriminating based on protected class: race, color, religion, sex (ex. protected group: M/F), national origin.
o Only applies to orgs with 15 or more employees.
o Prevents employers from retaliating against opposing employees.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) 1967
o Like CRA 1964 Title 7, prohibits hiring, firing, comp rates and other employment decisions based on persons age being 40 and over.
o Protection focused on pensions. Age discrimination lawsuit typical in mass layoff.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990
o Disability – physical/mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of, or being regarded as having such an impairment (amputees vs. cancer in remission vs disfigurement)
Mental disorders including learning disabilities, depression, schizophrenia, and additions are covered.
o Still disability if taking medication makes less apparent.
What are ADA accommodation requirements?
Not economically prohibitive (undue hardship)
Doesn’t interfere with core job task
Doesn’t put public at risk (blind pilot)
Civil Rights Act of 1991
o Amends CRA 1964 by adding compensatory and punitive damages in cases of discrimination under Title VII and ADA.
Title VII limited claims to equitable relief (legal cost and lost wages/benefits)
o Compensatory/ punitive damages only allowed when discrimination was intentional or reckless.
o No limit to compensatory damages
Amount of punitive damages in civil rights act of 1991
15-100 emp = $50K; 101-200 emp = $100K; 201-500 = 200K, 500+ = 300K
EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) responsibilities
Investigates complaints about discrimination.
Gathers information.
Issues guidelines.
Monitors organizations’ hiring.
EEOC filing requirements
Complaints must be filed to EEOC within 180 days of incident.
EEOC has 60 days to investigate the complaint.
Faragher v. Boca Raton (1998)
Employer must exercise “reasonable care” and can be found liable for harassment by their employees like this failure.
City did not disseminate sexual harassment policy to all divisions under the city’s jurisdiction
There was no way to bypass reporting to supervisor in harassment complaint policy.
Ban the Box:
o Ban the box refers to job application forms asking applicants if they’ve been convicted of a crime
8% of population with felony conviction
Goal to reduce discrimination against minority applicants
Current evidence suggests when criminal history is not given, employers discriminate against groups that are more likely to have criminal records.
(Creating a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair)
* California protects employees from discrimination based on natural hair associated with race (Jan 2020). NYC similar law.
* Expands definition of “race” under Fair Employment and Housing Act to include “traits historically associated with race..”
EEOC recommends employers should make sure grooming standards are the following:
- Driven by legitimate, objective business need.
- Accommodate religious beliefs.
- Race-neutral.
- Apply only to workplace.
- Consider alternatives (hair nets) for health/safety concerns.
- Consistently applied.
Federal courts allow different gender dress standards if:
- Policies are reasonable.
- Do not place a significantly higher burden on one gender.
- Compliance with gender stereotypes. (open toed shoes, earrings, hair length)