21: Dysfunctional Labor Flashcards
Definition of labor
Presence of regular uterine contractions of sufficient intensity, frequency, and duration to bring about demonstrable effacement and dilation of the cervix
First stage of Labor
Onset of contractions to full dilation of cervix
Second stage of Labor
Full dilation of cervix to delivery of infant
Third stage of Labor
Delivery of infant to delivery of placenta
Latent phase (of first stage) of Labor
Cervical softening/effacement occurs with minimal dilation (less than 4 cm)
Active phase (of first stage) of Labor
Starts when cervix dilated to 4 cm, includes descent of presenting fetal part
What are the minimal cervical dilation rates for 1. nulliparous and 2. multiparous women?
- 1.2 cm/hr
2. 1.5 cm/hr
What are the minimal rates of descent for 1. nulliparous and 2. multiparous women?
- 1.0 cm/hr
2. 2.0 cm/hr
Protraction disorders of labor
Delayed/prolonged stages
Arrest disorders of labor
Complete failure to progress
The 3 P’s influencing abnormal/difficult labor
Power - contraction/maternal expulsive force
Passenger - position, size, presentation of fetus
Passage - maternal pelvic bone contractures
Augmentation of labor
Stimulation of uterine contraction when spontaneous contractions have failed to result in progressive cervical dilation or descent of the fetus
When should augmentation be considered?
If contractions are less than 3 in 10 minute period or if intensity is less than 25mmHg
What is recommended by ACOG for protraction and arrest disorders?
Benefits to rupture of membranes
augments labor, allows assessment of meconium status