15: Normal Labor and Delivery Flashcards
Definition of Labor
Progressive cervical dilation resulting from regular uterine contractions occurring at least every 5 minutes lasting 30-60 sec
False Labor/Braxton-Hicks contractions
Irregular contractions without cervical change
Most optimal pelvic shapes for vaginal delivery
Gynecoid and Anthropoid
Fetal Lie
Maternal spine to fetus spine; infant can be longitudinal, transverse, oblique
Fetal presentation
Presenting part to pelvis: vertex, breech, transverse, compound
Leopold maneuver
Determines station and lie; 1. Palpate fundus, 2. Palpate spine and fetal parts, 3. Palpate presenting pelvis with suprapubic palpation, 4. palpate for cephalic prominence
Dilation of cervix
Check at level of internal os; complete dilation at 10 cm
Effacement of cervix
Thinning of cervix reported as % change
Station of cervix
Degree of descent of presenting part of the fetus; range -5 to +5; 0 when bony portion of head reaches level of ischial spines
First stage of labor
Onset of true labor to complete cervical dilation (with latent and active phase)
Second stage of labor
Complete cervical dilation to delivery of infant
Third stage of labor
Delivery of infant to delivery of placenta
Fourth stage of labor
Delivery of placenta to stabilization of patient
During first stage of labor, how often do you perform cervical checks?
What is meant by 4/50/-2?
Dilation/Effacement/Station; 4 cm dilated/50% effaced/-2 cm station
Amniotomy (AROM) - benefits and risks
Artificial rupture of membranes
Benefits: augment labor, allow assessment of meconium status
Risks: cord prolapse, prolonged leads to chorioamnionitis
Cardinal movements of labor
- Engagement, 2. Descent, 3. Flexion, 4. Internal rotation, 5. Extension, 6. External rotation, 7. Expulsion