2.1/2.2/2.3 Management Flashcards
What are the 4 functions of management?
What does the planning function mean?
- Setting objectives
- Conducting analysis to gather forecasts
- Drawing up plans for functional areas
- Estimating likely resource needs
What does the organising function mean?
- Management will determine the internal organisational structure
- Establish and maintain relationships
- Allocate necessary resources
What does the directing function mean?
- Motivation and communication of staff
What does the controlling function mean?
Setting standards using the company’s objectives
- Financial reports
- Employee performance
- Social performance
Using Mintzberg’s roles of management name 3 types of interpersonal management?
Using Mintzberg’s roles of management name 3 types of informational management?
Using Mintzberg’s roles of management name 4 types of decisional management?
Disturbance handler
Resource allocator
What are the 4 leadership styles?
What is the autocratic style?
Leader makes decisions without reference to anyone else
High degree of dependency on the leader
Can create de-motivation and alienation
of staff
May be valuable in some types of business where decisions need to be made quickly and decisively
What is the democratic style?
Consultative: process of consultation before decisions are taken
Persuasive: Leader takes decision and seeks to persuade others that the decision is correct
May help motivation and involvement
Workers feel ownership of the firm and its ideas
Improves the sharing of ideas and experiences within the business
Can delay decision making
What is the paternalistic style?
Leader acts as a ‘father figure’
Paternalistic leader makes decision but may consult
Believes in the need to support staff
What is the Laissez-Faire style?
‘Let it be’ – the leadership responsibilities are shared by all
Can be very useful in businesses where creative ideas are important
Can be highly motivational, as people have control over their working life
Can make coordination and decision making time-consuming and lacking in overall direction
Relies on good teamwork
Relies on good interpersonal relations
What determines what leadership style should be used?
- Type of labour force
- Nature of task and time
- Personality of leader
What is the blake mouton grid?
Y axis concern for people (Low to High)
X axis concern for task (Low to high)
What are the types of leadership in the blake mouton grid and their positions?
Country Club - Create safe comfortable working conditions, minimal conflict. (Top Left)
Impoverished - Laissez-Faire minimal effort for management, avoid blame. (Bottom Left)
Team - Staff closely involved in decision-making, like McGregor Theory Y(Top Right)
Task - Autocratic, McGregor theory X (Bottom Right)
Middle of the Road - Less effective (compromises)
What is the Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum?
Shows where the managers approach lies
What are the 5 categories of the Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum?
Tells Sells Consults Shares Delegates
Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum 1?
- The Manager Decides and Announces the Decision
Autocratic leadership style
The manager reviews options in light of aims, issues, priorities, timescales
Decides the action and informs the team of the decision.
The team plays no active part in making the decision.
The team may well perceive that the manager has not considered the team’s welfare at all.
Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum 2?
- The Manager Sells the Idea
The manager makes the decision as in number 1
Will explain the reasons to the team, particularly the positive benefits the team will enjoy from the decision
The manager is seen by the team to recognise their importance and to have some concern for them
Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum 3?
- The Manager Presents Ideas and Asks Questions
Softer in their approach and want the team to feel like they have a valued input in the process
The team is invited to ask questions and discuss with the manager the rationale behind the decision
More involving and participative approach than the first two
Enables team to appreciate the ideas and the reasons for the decision and the implications
Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum 4?
- The Manager Suggests a Tentative Decision and Invites Discussion
The manager discusses and reviews the provisional decision with the team
Acknowledges that the team has something to contribute to the decision-making process, which is more involving and therefore motivating than the previous level
The manager will only be at this level when they are sure that their team are experienced enough to put trust in their thinking and decision making
Gives the team power over how the process is going to be dealt with
Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum 5?
- The Manager Presents the Situation or Problem, gets Suggestions and then Decides
Team is encouraged and expected to offer ideas and additional options, and discuss implications of each possible course of action. The manager then decides which option to take.
High and specific involvement for the team, and is appropriate particularly when the team has more detailed knowledge or experience of the issues than the manager.
Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum 6?
- The Manager Asks Team to Make Decisions Within the Limits that are Set
Delegated responsibility for the decision within the limits that the manager has set
Manager may or may not be part of the team who makes the decision
Gives huge levels of responsibility to the team but the manager can still control the risk and outcomes to an extent
Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum 7?
- The Manager Allows the Team to Identify the Problem, Develop the Options and Decide on the Action
Extreme level of freedom whereby the team are effectively doing what the manager did in level 1; the manager relinquishes any involvement.
The manager trusts that the team will get the job done from start to finish
The manager always retains responsibility for any disasters whereas the team must be given credit for any successes
What are the advantages of the Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum?
- It defines the criteria for involvement and delegation & range of choices for the involvement.
- the chosen leadership style depends on a variety of factors
- focuses the decision making on relevant criteria - time
- allows for “situational” factors such as the need for urgency in leadership and decision-making.
What are the disadvantages of the Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum?
- Assumes the manager has sufficient information to determine the disposition to himself or the team
- it involves only the initial step of assigning a task to someone, not the following processes which may determine the effectiveness of the outcomes.
What is the process of decision making?
Setting objectives Gathering and interpreting information Selecting the option Implement the decision Reviewing
What is a programmed decision?
Deals with problems that are familiar and where the information required to make them easy to define and obtain
What is a non-programmed decision?
Situations which are unique and unstructured, may have some risk
What is a tactical decision?
Short term, few resources involved, usually taken by junior management
What are strategic decisions?
Long term, large commitment or resources, hard to reverse, taken by senior management.
What 3 things are involved in decision making?
What are decision tree advantages?
- Choices are set out in a logical way
- Potential options & choices are considered at the same time
- Use of probabilities enables the “risk” of the options to be addressed
- Likely costs are considered as well as potential benefits
- Easy to understand & tangible results
What are decision tree disadvantages?
- Probabilities are just estimates – always prone to error
- Uses quantitative data only – ignores qualitative aspects of decisions
- Assignment of probabilities and expected values prone to bias
- Decision-making technique doesn’t necessarily reduce the amount of risk
What influences decision making?
The business’s mission and objectives Ethics The risk involved The external environment Resource constraints
What are stakeholders?
Anyone with an interest in a business
What are the 2 types of stakeholders?
Primary - are affected by particular business activity
Secondary - don’t have a direct functional or financial relationship but are affected by a business
What is social responsibility?
The duties a business has towards stakeholder groups
What is the stakeholder map?
Y Axis - Stakeholder Power
X Axis - Stakeholder Interest
What are the 4 sections of the stakeholder map?
Keep satisfied - (Top left)
Manage closely - (Top right) KEY PLAYER
Monitor (minimum effort) - Bottom left
Keep informed - Bottom right
Why is stakeholder mapping important?
Helps a business make decisions in relation to stakeholders needs their ability to influence it.
What affects relationships with stakeholders?
Management Styles Government Policies Stakeholder Power Market Conditions Objectives Size/Ownership of businesses
What is stakeholder engagement?
Stakeholder engagement is the process by which an organization involves people who may be affected by the decisions it makes or can influence the implementation of its decisions.
How to manage relationships with stakeholders?
Pull Communication Push Communication Consultation Participation Partnership