208 Flashcards
Characteristics of leaders
Empower others
Maximize workforce effectiveness
Are needed to implement the planned change that is part of system involvement
Often have a variety of roles
Characteristics of managers
Guide, direct, motivate others
Intervene when goals are threatened
Emphasize control
Assigned a position
Characteristics of good leaders
Envision future & communicate it
Motivate, lead the way
Influence others to accomplish goals, inspire confidence
Take risks, empower others, master change
Characteristics of good managers
Coordinate resources & optimize use
Meet organization goals and objectives
Follow rules, plan, organize, control and direct
Use reward and punishment effectively
What is 5 part management process
What is planning part of management process
Encompasses determing philosophy, procedures, rules. Carry out long and short range projections, determing Fiscal course of action and managing planned change
What is organzing part of manager process
Est structure to carry out plans, determine most approp type of patient care delivery. grouping activities to meet goals
Working within structure of organization adn understanding and using power and authority appropriately
What is staffing part of manager process
Recruting, interveiwing, hiring, orienting staff. Scheduling, staff development, employee socialization, and team building
What is the directing part of manager
HR mgmt responsibilities, like motivating, managing conflict, delegating, communicating, facilitating collaboration
What is controling part of manager
Performance appraisals, fiscal accountability, quality control, legal and ethical control and processional and collegial control
Manager theory development
Taylor - Scientific mgmt
Weber - Bureaucratic functions
Fayol - Mgmt organizations
Management Theory Developement
Gulick - Activites of mgmt
Follett - participative mgmt
Mayo - Hawthorne effect
Management theory Developement
McGregor - Theory X and Theory Y
Argyris - Employee participation
Scientific Mgmt - Frederick Taylor
- Trad means of organizing work must be replaced with scientific methods to promote greatest efficiency
- Scientific personnel system workers promoted based on their unique abilities
- Workers viewed on how they fit into organization
- Relationship between managers and workers cooperative adn interdependent, work shared equally
Bureaucracy - Max Weber
Legalized formal authority and consistent rules and regulations for personnel in different positions
Human relations Era
attempted to correct short coming of bureaucratic system - failure to include “human element”
Participatory mgmt
Managers should have authority with rather than over employees
Hawthorne effect
Ppl respond to the fact tha tthey are being studied, attempting to increase whatever they feel will continue to warrant attention
Theory X
Theory Y
X - their employees are lazy, need constant supervision and direction and are indifferent to organizational needs
Y - Their workers enjoy their work, self motivated and willing to work hard to meet personal and organizational needs
The great man theory
Some ppl are born to lead others born to be led
Also leaders will arise when situation demands
Situational and contingency leadership
Should vary according to situation or individuals involved
_no one leadership style is ideal for every situations
Interactional leadership
leadership behavior is determined by the relationship between leaders personality and specific situation.
Ppl very complex, motives change, Goals differ in different situations, persons performance affected by ability, expierence and motivation
Transactional leadership
Focuses on mgmt taks
Directive and results orientated
Use trade offs to meet goals
Do not identify shared values
Examines causes
Uses contingency reward
Transformational leader
Identifies common values
Is a caretaker
Inspires others with vision
Has long term vision
Looks at effects
Empowers others
Full range leadership
Leader who could apply principles of 3 at any time: transformational, transactional and laissez-faire.
Evolve and adapt their style based on needs
Kouzes and Posners 5 practices for exemplary leadership
-Modeling the way
-Inspiring a shared vision
-Challenging the process
-Enabling others to act
-Encouragin the heart
Full Range leadership
Appply principles from different leadership styles an adapt their style as needed
Factors affecting health care trends
Growing older population
Healthcare reform
Reduction in health care reimbursmenets
New quality imperative
Innovation and technological advances
COVID 19 impact on health care
-Short and long term supply shortages PPE, meds and vaccines
-Struggle to ensure safety and adequate workforce
-Telehealth and virtual care provided
Strenghts based leadership
Focuses on positive, empowering an individual strength
Impact on ability to self manage and regulate emotions
Appreciative leadership
Give apprieciation
Ask what they want to accelarate and grow
Ask Q to inspire
Level 5 leadership
Developed by?
Characterized by?
Developed by Jim Collins
Characterized by knowledge, team building, help grows achive goals, humility, empowerment through servant leadership
5 levels
- Highly capable individual
- Contributing team member
- Competent manager
- Effective leader
- Great leader
Focus of Greenleafs servant leadership
Focuses on others instead of individal advancement
Promotes collaboration, teamwork, collective activism
Principle agent theory
Agent (employees) can make decisions on behalf of principle (employer)
Not all followers are inherently motivated to act in best interest of leader/employer
Human capital theory
Represents capability of individual
When they invest in human capital it affects social capital
Socal capital theory
Represents what a group can accomplish together
Authentic leadership
Suggests that in order to lead, leaders must be true to themselves and their values
Francesca Ginos 8 principles of Rebel leadership
- seek out the new
- Encourage constructive dissent/disagreement
- Open conversations
- Reveal yourself and reflect
- Learn everything - forget everything
- Find freedom in constraints
- Lead from trenches
- Foster happy accidents / mistakes may unlock a breakthrough
Agile leadership
Fast, flexible and adaptive decision making
Openness to ideas and innovation
Inclusive and democrative approach
Thought leadership
Person who is recognized for ideas, product and way of looking at things, risk taking, passion, innovative
Quatum leadership
New theory
Context in which people work is complex and dynamic and has direct impant on organizational producitivity
Leader aknowledges that environment is complex and dynamic
What is decision making?
A complex, cognitive process of choosing a particular course of action; thought process of selecting a logical choice from available options
What is problem solving?
Part of decision making; systematic process of focusing on analyzing a diffult situation involving higher order reasoning and eval
Find root of problem/ cause
Define critical thinking
Mental process of conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating info
Clinical reasoning
Integrating different types of knowledge and weigh evidence, reflect on process used to arrive at diagnosis
Elastic thinking
Type of creative thinking
Starting from sensory input, then building perseption, rely on data and not assumption
Details to the whole
Experiential learning
Mock life expierences
Promotes whole brain thinking and improved problem solving skills
Anchoring bias
Depending heavily on initial piece of information for a source of decision making
Make your own judgement!
Traditional problem solving process
7 steps
- id problem
- Gather data and ID cause and conseq
- Explore alternative solutions
- Evaluate each alternative
- Select appropr solution
- Implement solution
- Eval results
Recognition primed decision module
People make effective decisions under time, pressure and uncertainty
Act on first impulse / without looking at alternative options
Freq errors in decision making
No clear goal
Faulty data gathering
Failure to use factual evidence
Refusal to act
Too much time identifying problem
Quadrants of brain hemispheres
Upper left - analytical thinkers, work with factual data, logic
**Lower left **- highly organized, detailed oriented, value safety vs risk taking
**Upper right **- big picture, hidden possibilities, futuristic thinking, take risk
**Lower right **- Facts and problem solving via emotional, interpersonal aspect, sympathetic, empathetic
Economic man
Makes decision in rational manner
Complete knowledge of problem
Considers all alternatives
Systematic ordering of alternatives
Administrative man
Knowledge is fragmented
Considers multiple alternatives but not all
Makes decisions that are good enough
makes decisions just to satisfy and move on
Legal is practicing within the law
Ethical is practicing within what is right
Moral indifference
Individual questions why morality in practice is even necessary
MOral uncertainty
Unsure which moral principle apply and unsure what the moral problem is
Moral distress
Knows what is right but orgnaziational constraints make it difficult to take right action
Moral outrage
WHen a person witness an immoral act of another but feels powerless to stop it
Ethical dilemma
Being forced to make a choice between 2 or more undesirable alternatives
*medical abortion
Duty focused centered on riles from which all action is dervied.
ex. higher based on seniority
Outcome focused approach
Ex. picks based on greatest good for greatest amount of people
decision based on case by case basis, determines what is ethically right
freedom of choice
action should be done in an effort to promote GOOD
Do no harm
assumes right to make decisions for another
Seeks fairness
Treats equals equally and unequals according to their differences
Obligation to tell the truth
Need to keep promises
Keep privileged information private
The good of the many outweights the wants/needs of individual
Decision making model
M- Massage dilemma
O - oultine options
R - review criteria and resolve
A - affirm position and act
L - Look back and evaluate